0012 (City Health Officer)oRDINAicg,No. .2.
SECTION 1. The office of the City Health Officer is hereby created, and
the or shall appoint • regular licensed physician to fill such office.
The first appointment under this Ordinance shall be until the first Mon-
day in Jaunary, 1915, after nick* which the appointment shall be made for
the period of one year. The compensation of the City Health Officer
shall be fixed by resolution of the City Council and may be increased or
diminished at the pleasure of tie Council.
SECTION 2. The City Health Officer shell have general supervision of
all matters pertaining to quarantine, contagious diseases, public health
and the enforcement of all laws, ordinances and regulations re1at1n g to
the same and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by
the City Council. He shall also make in writing recommendations and
monthly reports to the Mayor and to the City Council, and shall also
make reports to the 'tate Board of i(ealth.
sEr _or 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to a at as
Sanitary Insppctor of the City. He shall act under the direction and
advise of the City iisalth Officer. The said Sanitary Inspector shall
make frequent inspections as may be necessary of all premises within
the City limits and it shall be his duty to call attention of the owners
and occupiers. of the premises of any violation of this Ordinance, and
if such person shall neglect or refuse promptly to comply with the
orders of said Sanitary Inspector or the City heath Officer in regard
thereto, the said City Health Officer or Sanitary Inspector shallssamss
the offender or offenders to be prosecuted under the provisions of
this Ordinance
SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of all physicians practicing within
the City, forthwist to report to the City Health Officer in writing,
when it shall come to his knowledge, all oases of scarlet fever,
yellow fever, smallpox, measles, mumps diptheria, chickenpo$ or any
other malignant, infectious, or contagioua diseases, giving the name
of the person affected, the kind of dOsease„ and the residence, by
street and number or by some other good description.
SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the Mayor, whenever it is made to
appear that there is existing within said City any malignant, in-
fectioui or contagious diseases, to call together the Couficil and at
once establish such rules and regulations, with the approval of the
Council, as he may deer. bast for the preservation ar
the ity.
SICTION 6. The Mayor, upon the recommendation of the City Health
Officer and with the approval of the Council, shall be empowered to
issue proclamation, establishing quarantine; to establish such rules
and regulations as Council shall deem advisable to prevent the intro-
duction Mom into or the spread within the City of any malignant, in-
fectious or contagious diseases. Provided that such regulations or
rules shall not be effective for longer period of time than thirty
days without an extension by the City Council.
SECTion 7. That the rules and r egultions of the Mayor and Col ail
shall have all the foroe and effedt of ordinance:
SECTION 8. All rules and regulations authorized by ordinances shall
not become effective until they have been published for the period of
twenty fours hours, by posting in three public places within the City,
and in case of quarantine against other places, such places must have
twenty four hours' notice of such quarantine, by mailing or telegraph..
ing notice to the authorities of the place quarantined against.
SECTION 9. The Chief of Police and Policemen of the City shall strictly
enforce such proclamations and rules as prescribed by the Mayor and
City Council,
SECTION 10. The City •ealth Officer shall cause to be placarded all
buildings in which is located any person having smallpox, diptheria,
scarlet fever, yellow fever, meakles, chickenpox, or rumps. The City
Health Officer may take such provisions as he deems necessary for the
isolation of persons having such diseases and may call on the Nayor end
Police force to aid in the enforcement of any orders he may give.
SUCTION 11. Whenever smallpox exists within or adjacent to the City
of 0"kcechobee the rayor, upon the recomendation of the City lealth
Officer, nay 183110 his proclamation requiring comp ulsory vaccination
of all personswithin the City limits It shall thereupon be the duty
of the City health Officer to see that the requirements of such proclamations
are carried out at the earliest practicable moment and to take such
other nrecautions as he may dcen necessary to prevent the spread of
smallpox within the City. Any person refusing to be vaccinated or
any person *.o shall. prevent or obstruct the vaccination of any person,
shall he punished by fine of not less than ,,50.00 or more than r!i5100.00.
or by irprisonment of not less than thirty days or more than sixty
A--. ir 1,e:a mirth fin and imprisonment.
SECTION '12. Wells of all descrifotion shall be so constructed so that
no water or drippings from any of said wells or any other liquid or
deleterious matter will flow or x run back into said will. Any person
having control of the premises on which is located a well not constructed
in compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished
as hereinafter provided. The City Health Officer may cause any such
well not constructed in compliance with this ordinance, to be closed
or filled up and to be abated as a nuisance.
SECTION 13. No milk shall be sold within the City limits ulless said
milk complies with the following standards, that is to say, the bacte-
rial count of such milk shall not exceed X004002 500,000 to the cubic
centimeter and the butter fat shall not be less than three per cent of
volume. Such milk shall contain no colon bacilli. Such milk shall con-
tain no added water, foreign substances or preservaties. The City Health
Officer is hereby authorized at any time tot ake samples of milk in
quantities of not less than one pint from any person, firm or corporation
selling milk within the City Limits, upon paying current price therefor,
for the purpose of having an examination made of said milk. Any person
firm or corporation selling milk within the City limits not complying
with the standard herein provided shall be punished as provided by
this Ordinance. The certificate of examination of such milk, made by
the State Board d hedLth, or by any competent chemist or expert,
shall be prima facie evidence in prosecutions miner this Ordinance. No
milk sold or to be sold within the City limits shall be conveyed through
the City unless said milk is conveyed in closed, dust proof receptacles.
SECTION 14. Al]. premises within the City limits shall be kept free
from garbage, swill or other refuse matter, except that such garbage,
swill or other refuse matter may be temporarily placed in water ti ht
galvanized iron cans equipped with close fittirrrtops or covers. The
owner or person in control of the premises shall cause all garbage,
swill or other refuse matter to be hauled away to some suitable place
and disposed of in a sanitary manner.
SECTION 15. All premises in the City shall be kept in a state of
sanitary cleanliness and shall be kept free fromt1n cans, bones,
offals, refuse matter, trash, weeds, standing water or other noxious,
deleterious or unsanitary substances. The persons living upon or in
control of such promises shall be held responsible for its condition
under the provisions of this Ordinance.
SECTI N 16. The owners or managers or persons in control of stables
within the City shall keep said stables in a clean and sanitary condition,
vmonvins, ny* linnlaan bedding or other 2 ilth to accumulate
so as to be offensive to the senses or injurious to the publio health.
SECTION 17. Each stall in stables shall be thoroughly cleaned of' all
manure and used bedding at least once each day, and such manure and
sweepings. shall be placed in a covered, dry, ventilated bin of suitable
size, which shall be screened so as to prevent the ingress and egress of
flies. The contents of such bins elfin b e conveyed outside of the City
limit from time to time as may be necessary.
SECTION 18. All privies shall b e constructed wi th a pit or vault at
least three feet in dept, below the surface of the ground and at least
one foot above the surface and such pit or vault shall be lined with
four inches of brick or cement, made tight so that flies cannot have
access to the vault or pit. Such vaults shall situ b e lined at the
bottom. Such vault or pit shall have screened holes for ventilation.
The seat or seats shall be provided with s elf closing cover for each
hole, and such cover shall be prold.ed with spring hinge or block strip
at the back so 9 s to insure closino ot cover when not in use. These
vaults shall be constructed within 30 days after passage of this
Ordinance. A11 vaults shall be not less than 2 feet wide and 3 feet
4 inches wide.
F,ECTION 19. No privy shall he constructed or muintained within forty
feet of any w ell.
SECTION 20. Privy vaults shall b• disinfected f rote time to t ime as may
be necessary tor the use of chloride of lime, lime or other good disinfect-
SECTION 21. Where any privy is used or naintained in violations of
or person
the provisions of this ordinance the owner mmt/unryi in control of the
premises on vVich the same is located may b e punished as provided in
this cr dinance, and each d ays viola tion of said or dinance shall constitute
a new offense.
r•ECTION 22. The City Health Officer may de).are any privy used or main-
tained in violation of this ordinance to be a nuisance and tie reupon the
same shall be removed, c losed or otherwise abated, and it shall b e the
duty of the Chief of Police and Police force to use any and all effecttve
means to abate said nuisance.
SECTION 23. No decayed, spoiled or other unfit or deleterious meats,
fruits, vegetables or other food shall be exposed or offered for sal) or
sold within the City limits. Any person, firm or corporation viol ting
this section shall be punished as provided in this ordinance. '7 e- City
1=eslth Officer mayeause any such artic]e s of food to be seized and forth-
with destroyed.
SECTION '24. All Places, where meats, vegetables, fruit oi other food
products are sold, exposed or offered fors ale within the C1.* limits
shall be kept in a clean and sanitary conditinn ani suitable errangements
shall be made by means of screens or other methods for protecting all
food from flies, roaches or other vermin.
S.7,CTION 25. No decayed fruit or vegetables, offal of any kind, manure,
dirt shavings, trash, slops, rubbieh, broken crockery, klass bottles,
tin cons, nails, tacks, wire, boards, bricks or KM other unclean,
deleterious, offensive or dangeroud material shall be th'wn, spilled
or deposited upon any public street, park, alley or sidewalk.
SECTION 26. Any person who shall interfere, obstruct, prevent or
delay the City Health Officer or Sanitary ;MMus in the discharge
of their duties under this ordinance shall be punished as hereinafter
provided for.
SECTION 27. Where not otherwise stated in this ordinance the penalty
for the violkting of any of its provisions shall be by fine not exceeding
e500.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, or by both sten
fine and imprisonment.
SECTION 28. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately
upon its passage and approval by the Mayor,
SECTTON 29. All ordinances and 'arts of ordinances in conflict here-
,- v4..th-.,filre hereby ropealed.