0004 (Licensing and Taxes)ORDINANCE NO. 4.
SEC. 1. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or manage
any business, profession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance
within the corporate limits of the City of Okeedhobee, Florida, un-
less a City Ak license shall have been procured from the Tax Coll-
ector of said City and attested in the name of the City Clerk and
the corporates eal of said City impressed thereon by the City Clerk,
whose fee for attesting and placing the seal thereon shall be twenty-
five cents, paid by the persons taking out said license.
SEC. 2. All licenses shall be payable on or before the first day of
January of each year, and no license shall he issued for any fractional
portion of a year, except as otherwise provded in this Ordinance,
and except that any license not otherwise specified may be issued
after the first day of July to expire January let upon payment of
one-half the amount fixed as a price of such license for one year.
SEC. 3. All license may be transferred with the approval of the
City Clerk, with business for Which they were taken out when there
is a bona fide sale and transfer of the property used and employed
in the business as stock in trade, but such transferred license shall
not be good for any longer time or for any other place than that for
which it was originally issued.
SEC, 4. The payments of a license under this Ordinance shall not
authorize or legalize gambling or the sale of intoxicating liquors.
SEC. 5. ADDING MACINES, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
BICYCLES, Each agent for, shall pay a license tax of 45.00.
license tax of 5.00.
a license tax of 4100,00.
CLAIM AND COLLECTION AGENCIES, not taxed as bankers, or lawyers,
each agent or actiVe member of, ehall pay a license tax of 410.00.
CLOHIERS, not taxed as merchants, each agent for, stall pay a
license tax of $5.00.
FERTILIZERS, FOREIGN, each agent 'or, shall pay a license tax of 47.50.
LOAN AGENTS, not taxed as bankers, and not taxed PE lawyers, loaning
on real estate, each agent, shall pay a license tax of 45.00.
MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES, local, each agent NI for, shall pay a
license tax of 12.50.
MONUMENTS AND TOMB TONES, Foreign or Traveling, each agent for shall
pay a license fax 6f .50,
REAL ESTATE, including rent and rant collecting agencies, eaoh agent
or active member of agency, shall Oay a license tax of $5.00,
license tax of $5.00. Provided that this shall not apply to merchants
who also do a general mercantile business.
STLAMSHVPS AND (OH) STEAMBOATS, each agent for, shall pay a license
tax of $15,00,
TYPEWRITERS, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of :5,00,
Tailors, Foreign, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of
Provided that this shall not apply to merchants Who slab do a gen-
eral mercantile business.
AUTOMOBILE AGENTS, or persons, firms or corporations engaged in the
sale of automobiles, autotrucks or motorcycles, shall pay for each
place of business a license tax of $5,00,
OWNERS OR PERSONS in charge of automobiles or autotrucks kept for
hire or rent or used in conveying passengers or freight, shall pay
for each automobile or klutaltir truck a license RS follows:
With a capacity of seven passengers or less or two tons of
freight or less 45.00
With a capacity of more than seven passengers or over two tons
of freight $10,00.
With a capacity for over twenty passengers, $20,00.
Automobile garages for keeping, storing, caring for, repairing
automobiles or tax other horseless vehicles belonging to the public
shall pay a license tax of 5,00. Provided, that When a license is
granted for an automobile agency or garage engaged in the s ale of
automobiles, no license tax shall be collected from such automobile
garage or agency for keeping, storing, caring for and repairing
automobiles, or motorcycles.
ADVERTISING, Each person firm ot corporation advertising on streets
with banners, floats, cartoons, exhibition, or by any other means
where no vehicle is used, shall pay license tax of 5.00.
PATSNT MEDICINE VENDORS advertising by means of minstrel shows or
vaudevulle acts, $50.00„
EACh VEHICLE ADVERTISING on the streets by means of banners, floats
or cartoon, or by any other means, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
PROVIDED, this shall not apply to oqrnrnerciai bodies, boards bf trade
county fairs, when they advertie•.
AGENTS, FIRMS, ASSOCIATIONS, or Corporations or other persons en-
gaged in business of bill posting shall pay a license tax of 1..;5.00.
ACCOUNTANTS, persons, firms corporations or associations engaged
in the business of accounting, systematizing, keeping or regulating
accounts or books of private individuals or corporations, except
bookkeepers regularly employed and under salary by such primate in-
dividuals or corporation shall pay a license tax of ;k5.00 for each
person or member of the talk, corporation or association.
ALLIGATORS, dealers in, shall pay a license tad( of $5.00 for eaoh
place of business.
PAU'S within whtch are operated merry-go-rounds, roller °oysters,
theatrical and other exhibition, shows and performances, shall pay
a license tax for any devices shows, exhibitions and all other forms
of diversion and amusement permanently carried on in such parka,
50.00. Provided that nothing in this Act shall be construed so as
associations organized
to .apply t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxmaxtnnd for the purpose of holding annual
County fairs.
AMUSEMENT PARLOR S or Penny Arcades: Persons or firms operating
amusement parlors or penny arcalies, having fifteen or more automatic
slot machines, such as lung testers, stricking machines, putpiksman
graphophones, phonographs, music boxes, weightng machines, chewing
gum stands or other devices of similar charaoter shall pay the sum
of t25.00; When less than fifteen slot machines, the tax shall be
$1.00 per machine.
AUCTION SHOPS: Owners or managers of temporary auction Shops shall
pay license tax of $500,00for each place of business. For the pure.
pose of this ordinance a temporary auction shop shall be such and an
auction shop conducted only during the winter tun tourist season.
AUTOMATIC VENDING MACHINES: when operated for profit, shall pay
a license tax of $2.50 for each machine or device. Provided, that
outomatic vending machines for vending drinking cups or postage
stamps and operated on railroad trains, steamboats or in railroad
stations or public waiting rooms, no license tax shall be required.
ARMS, dealers in, inoluding ix pistols, bowie knives, sling shots,
brass knuckles, Springfield rifles, repeating rifles, or dirk knives,
elan pay a license tax of $25.00. Provided, said pistols, Spring-
field rifles or other repeating rifles, bowie knnixxx or dirk knives,
forties knuckles and sling shot,shall_bot be sold to minors. 'Every
person violating this Section shall be guilty of a misdeameanor and
upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of $25,00 or by imprison..
ment not more than six months.
ASTROLOGISTS shall pay a license tax of $250.00.
BATHS, owners or managers of Turkish, Russian, vapor or other baths,
when operated for profit or public use and who pay no other license
tax, shall pay a license tax of 05,00,
BROKERS, dealing in bonds and stocks shall pay a license tax of $12,50.
BROKERS, dealing in Insurance shall pay a license tax of $5,00.
BROKERS dealing in Land and Land Options shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
BROKERS, dealing in merchandise, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
BAKERIES, owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $3,00.
BANKS, bankers and trust companies, persons, firms or brokers doing
a banking business, whether incorporated or not shall pay a license
tax of $10,00
BARBER SHOPS, RUNNING ONE CHAIR, shall pay a license tax of $1.50,
TWO (AIRS shall pay a license tax of $2.00.
THREE CHAIRS shall pay a license tax of 4;2.50.
FOUR TO SIX CHAIRS shall pay a license tax of 0.50.
SEVEN TO TEN UHAIRS shall pay a license tax of $7,50.
OVER TEN CHAIRS shall pay a license tax of $10.00.
a license tax of 412.50 for each table. Provided, that no license
shall be issued to a minor.
BOARDING HOUSES, Lodging Houses and iiotels; with accommodation for
one hundred or more lodgers or boarders, shall pay a license tax $50,00.
With accommodations for twenty-five or less than one hundred
lodgers or boarders, shall pay a license tax of $7.50.
accommodations for ten and less than twenty-five lodgers
or boarders, shall pay a license tax of 2.50.
Accommodations for lodgers or boarders shall be construed to
mean the number of beds habitually kept for such lodgers or boarders
and not the number of rooms in the house.
BLACKSMITHS shall pay a license tax of $5.00,
BOILER, MACHINE SHOPS OH FOUNDRIE: owners or managers of, having more
than one thoursand dollars invested in the business shall pay a license
tax of $7,50,
shall pay a license taw of 05.00.
BRICK YARDS OR FACTORIES, owners or'managers of, shall pay a license 1.7r4
of 5,00,
BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOC A ''ON, LOCAL Shall pay a license tax of $12.50.
tax for each such game, rack, device or machine
BICYCLE RINKS, Owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of
5.00 for each place of business.
BOWLING ALLEYS AND BOX BALL ALLEYS, owners or managers of, Shall pay
a license tax of $5.00 for each place of business.
BOAT BUILDERS, persons, firms or corporations building boats under
contract, shall be required to pay a license tax of $5,00,
BAGGAGE WAGONS: For public hire, when no livery license has been
paid, *hall pay a license tax of •2,50 for eachwagon.
BICYCLE REPAIR SHOPS: Owners or managers of, who pay no other
license, shall pay a license tax of $2.50,
BOOT BLACK STANDS: Owners or managers of, outside of hotels and
barber shop shall pay a license tax of $1.00.
CANNING FACTORIES: Owners or managers of, engaged in the business
of canning fruits, vegetables, fish, syrup or nollasses, shall pay a
license tax of $5.00. Provided, that this Shall not apply to farmers,
fruit or vegetable growers, Who can their own products. Canning
factories, oyster owners or managers of, engaged in the business
of canning oysters Shall pay a license tax of 25.00.
CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS: each individual shall pay a license tax
of 1;5,00,
CLAIRVOYANTS, OR SPIRIT MEDIUMS, giving seances for profit, shall pay
a license tax of $250,00.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Handling shipments on consignment or commission
only shall pay a license • tax of $5,00.
COMIS3I0N MRCHANTS, carrying stock of merchandise, fruits, veg-
etables, truck, eta., who buy and sell outright at retail or Wholesale
shall pay a merchant's license as provided in this act.
CURIOS, dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $5,00.
CLOTHING, dealers in secondhand, shall pay a license tax for each
individual of $12.50 for each place of buainess.
CARRIAGE AND (OR) WAGON FACTORIES, owners or managers of, shall pay
a license tax of $2.50,
COTTON SEED OIL MILLS: Owners or managers of, shall pay a license
tax of $12 50 for each place of business.
CEMENT, CONCRETE OR ARTIFICIAL STONE: Manufactures of or contractors
dealing in, shall pay a license tax of 45.00. Provided this shall
not apply to merchants paying a regular license tax.
CANDY STANDS on street, shall pay a license taW of $2.50 for each stand.
Coal Yards and dealers in coal, shall pay a license tax of
CONTRACTORS: in building trades, not otherwise specified in this
Act, shall pay a license. of $7,50.
Dynamite, dealers% in, shall pay a license tax of 15,00.
DI.ENTISTS: Permanently located, shall pay a license tax of $5.00,
DENTISTS: Non resident or traveling, shall pay a license tax of 18,50
DROVERS: Selling at auction, trading, or otherwise shall pay a license
tax of 450,00, This shall include every person bringing stock of
any kind into the State for .;a1e).
ELECTRICAL MACHINERY OR SUPPLIES: Or contractors, dealers in for
profit, or contractors for, shall pay a license tax of $2.50 for
each place of business.
ELECTRIC LIGHT AND (OR) P0V7,11 PLANTS: Any person, firm cr corporation,
furnishing electric lights or pow4 or both, shall pay a license tax
of t10,00,
EXPRESS COMPANIES: Shall pay a license tax of S25.00.
The superintendent of any express company violating the provision
of this Ordinance, and any person Who acts as agent for any express
company before it has paid the above tax payable by said company
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction *but
thereof shall he punished respectfully by a fine of not more then
250,00 or by ImIttctmmmxx imprisonment not more than three month',
or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court,
FLORISTS: Persons, firms, corporations or associations engaging in
the business shall pay a license tax of 12.50.
FORTUNE MILERS: shall pay a license tax of $450.00.
FOUNDRIES, Whether connected with machine shops or otherwise shall
pay a license-tax of $12.50.
FERRIS: Persons, firms or corporations engaged in t he business of
ferrying passengers or freight shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
FISHING: Any foreign or non resident eorporation, company, firm or
person engaged in the business of shipping fish beyond the limits
of this State Shalipay a license tax of $10,00 fore ach place of busine, s.
Any domestic corporation, c ompany, firm or person engaged in the
business of &lipping fish beyond the limits of this State shall pay
a license tax of $5,00 for each place of business.
FISH MARKETS: Owners or managers of, !than pay a license tax of $5,00,
GASOLINE, wholesale dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $5.00,
GREEN GROCERIES and dealers in fresh fruits and nuts, paying no other
license shall pay a license tax of $1.50.
MELVECEEC: When operated for pflofits shall pay a license tax of
•2.50 for each machine
GAMES AND DEVICES: Automatic or otherwise, and such as shuffleboard,
throwing balls at figures and the like, and not otherwise specified
in this Act, shall pay a license tax of $5.00 each.
GAS PLANTS: Any person, firm, corporation or company furnishing gas
for profit, shall pay a license tax of $25,00.
HYPNOTISTS, Professional, shall pay a license tax of 250,00 each.
HAWKERS OR STREET VENDORS of medicines, druga or patent medicines, or
of any amp kind of drug, ointment, expedient or device of any kind,
intended for the use or treatment of any disease, injury or deformity
shall pay a license tax of 4;;25,00.
HARNESS AND SADDLERY, repairers or makers of, shall pay a license tax
of $2.50.
diseases or habits, for profit, shall pay a license tax of $12.50,
provided, that this shall not apply to hospitals, sanitariums or other placet
of like character, conducted by charitable association or societies.
HAT CLRANING AND BLOCKING: person or persons engaged in the business of
shall pay a license tax of $2.50.
ICE FACTORIES, includIng cold storage plants connected therewith, and
the rijit to sell at Wholesale and retail, shall pay a license tax of $12.50,
ICE WAGONS, peddling on the street, not owned and operated by ice
factories who pay license; shall pay a. license tax of $2.50 for each wagon.
ICE CREAM CARTS OR WAGONS, selling on streets at retail shall pay a
license tax of $1.50 for each cart or wagon.
ICE CREAM, manufacturers of, selling at wholesale, shall pay a license
tax of $7.50.
INSURANCE AGENTS, shall pay a license tax of $2,50 for each company.
JUNK dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $25,00 and shall keep a
full and complete record of each transaction of their business, showing
from whom and When each article of their stock was purchased or acquired,
and to whom sold and date of such salei and such record shall at all
times be subject to the inspection of all police or peace officers,.
Any violation hereof When be published by imprisonnent for not more than
three months.
JOB PRINTING: Owners or managers of job printing offices not connect4d with
newspspen4 running by power, shall pay a license tax of $5.00..
LAWYERS, shall be required to pay a-license tax of $5. 00 each.
LAUNCHES, Steam, electric or Naptha, kept for hire or public use shall
be required to pay a license tax of $2.50 for each launch.
LAUNDRIES, owner or manager of steam laundries, or Chinese laundries
shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
LIVERY AND FEED STABLES, individuals or firma keeping for hire or public
use horses or mules for conveying passengers or freight, shall pay a
license tax as follows:
When not more than five head of horses or mules are kept or used,
shall pay a license tax of $2.50.
and less than ten head
When s more than five head /of horses or mules are kept or used shall
pay a license tax of tRaIR
When ten head and less than twenty head of horses and mules are
kept or, used, shall pay a license tax of $7.50.
When twenty head and lees than twenty five head of horses and
mules are kept or used, shall pav a license tax of $10.00.
When twenty five head or more are kept or used, shall pay a license
of $12.50.
SALE STABLES, shall pay a license tax of '$12.50.
LUNCH STANDS, and eating houses at railraod depots, owners or managers
of, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
LUNG TESTERS: When operated for pla profit, shall pay a license tax
of $2.50 for each machine or device.
LUMBER DEALERS, carrying a stock on hand and s clling a tr stall, shall
pay a license tax of $7.50.SNXIDC X I£$K1CM , +XX -MBU gXNAN ',: I
license tax of `12.50*
LOCKSMITHS AND TRUNK REPAIRERS: who pay no other license shall pay
a license tax of $2.50.
LIGHTING RODS: Dealers in, shall pay a license tax of ;;12.50 when
pwrrpamently located. Non resident shall pay a license tax of $25.00.
MANUFACTURERSof barrels, tubs and buckets shall pay a license tax of $5,00.
MANUFACTURERS of candy and confectionary, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of vegetable crates and (or) fruit crates shall pay a
license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of sash, doors, and blinds, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of moss or moss packers, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of fiber, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of furniture, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURE'S of terra cotta, earthenware, pottery or ther clay products,
shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of tile, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of roofing, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
MANUFACTURERS of fertilizer, shall pay a license tax of $12.50 for
each plant
MARBLE YARDS, owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.,
MERCHANTS, DRUGrqSTS AND STOREKEERS, shall pay a license tax as follow:
For the first $1,000.00 or fraction of $1,000,00 of stock of
merchandise, $1,50 for each place of business and 75V for each
additional thousand or fraction thereof; but dealers in merchandise
at wholesale only, shall pay a license tax of 75 for each $1,000,00
of their stock of merchandise. Provied, that the words "Stock of
Merchandise" shall be held to mean the cash value of the merchandise
or goods on hand and not the amount of capital stock invested in the
business. Provided further, that any merchant keeping sewing machines
in stock for sale in the same manner as other merchandise shall not
be taxed as a sewing machine agent or dealer.
MERCHANT TAILORS, shall pay a license tax of $5,00 for each place of
MENTAL HEALERS, Or all persons claiming to heal by absent trealWent
shall pay a license tax of $100.00 each, Provided, that nothing in
this clause shall be construed as affecting the members of any Christian
denomination who pray for the recovery of the sick without compensation.
MERRY GO ROUNDS, managers or owners af, shall pay a license of $12.50.
DEALERS IN FRESH MEATS, selling at retail, shall pay a license tax of
$5.00. Provided, that this shall not apply to merchants who alma do a
general mercantile business.
NEWS STANDS, owners and managers of, where daily and weekly newspapers,
magazines, periodicales, post cards, etc., are dold must pay a license
as provided for, merchants druggists and storekeeper3.
OILS, dealers in illuminating or lubricating oils, at wholesale shall
pay a license tax of $12.50 for each place of business.
OCULIST: when permanently located, shall pay a license tax of $5.00 cash
Non RESIDENT OR TRAVELING, SHALL PAY A license tax of $12.50.
OPTICIANS, when permanently located, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
Non resident or traveling, shall pay a license tax of $12.50.
ORIENTAL GOODS: dealers in, shall pay a license tax of $12.50.
PALMISTS OR FORTUNE TELLERS, shall pay a license tax of $250.00.
PATENT RIGHTS: any person selling any patent riht or the right to
sell any patent rights, shall pay a license tax of $25.00.
PEDDELRS OF MERCHANDISE: not otherwise enumerated specifically herein,
shall pay a license tax of $75.00.
PEDDLERS OF STOVES, ranges and clocks, sold from wagons, shall pay a
license tax of $37.50.
PEDDLING BOATS: owners operators, or managers of each boat used wholly
or in part for peddling, shall pay a license tax of 410.00.
or plantation, fish and pa oysters, shall not be considered as peddling boats
PIANO TUNERS: shall pay a license tax of $1.50.
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Permanently located shall pay a license tax of $2.50
Non resident or traveling, shall pay a license tax of x"5.00.
PHONOGRAPHS: Owners or managers,/ of, when operated for profit shall
pay a license tax of x2.50 for each machine.
PLANING MILLS AND NOVELTY WORKS: not connected with saw mills shall pay
a license tax of 4~5.00.
PICTURE AGENTS, traveling shall pay a license tax of $.00.
PEANUT CARTS and peanut stands: on streets and paying no other licenses,
shallpay a license tax of $1.00 each..
PRESSING CLUBS: Owners and managers of, shall pay a license tax of X2450.
CONTRACTING PLUMBERS, not doing their own work, shall pay a license tax of
PILE DRIVERS: Por public hire or contracting, shall pay a license tax of
shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
PAWN BROKERS, persons, firms or corporations, engaged in the business,
shall pay a license tax of $50.00.
RAILROAD COMPANIES, shall play a license tax of $25.00.
CIRCUSES, shall pay a license tax of 100.00 per day.
SHOWS, of all kinds, except circuses, including vaudeville, minstrels,
theatrical or any other exhibition giving performances under tents or
temporary structures of any kind, Whether such tents or temporary
structures are covered or uncovered, shall pay a license tax of ;15.00
per day. Side shows operated in connection with a main show shall pay
a license tax of $5.00 per day. A license shall be paid for each tent
or building. No fractional license shall be issued.
TRAVELING MOVING PICTURE SHOWS, in buildings or tents, shall pay a
license tax for each day of4~7.50. Provided, if they have any other
features than moving pictures they shall be subject to the license tax
as otherwise provided for shows.
Providele, that owners or managers of theaters or halls employing
traveling troops, theatrical, operatic or minstrel, giving performances
in buildings fitted up for such purposes or moving picture shows giving
exhibitions in buildings permanently used for such purpose, shall be
allowed to give as many performances or exhibitions in such building
or theatre as they wish on payment of the license tax of $5.00.
Provided, howeiser, that this Ordinance shall not apply to local
amateur performers; provided further, that this Ordinance shall not
apply to any hall owned or used by any charitable or fraternal organisations
giving performances or exhibitions for their own benefit.
SHOEMAKERS OR COBBLERS, shall pay a license tax of $2,50.
SHIP BROKERS, shall pay a license tax of $5.00 each.
CONTRACTING STEVEDORES, shall pay a license tax $7.50.
Any person employing other men than the articled crew of the
vessel Which he owns or commands, in loading or discharging
any water craft of any kind in this State, shall for the purposes
of this Ordinance, be deemed a Stevedore.
STRIKING MACE ?INES: Owners or managers of, when operated for profit,
shall pay a license tax of ,%2.50 for each machine or device.
Slot Machines: for vending merchandise, owners, or managers of
when operated for profit shall pay a license tax of $2.50 each.
SAW MILL$%:including planing mills and dry kilns, shall pay a
license tax of $10.00.
SKATING RINKS, owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax of $5.00 each.
SODA WATER OR MINERAL WATER FOUNTAINS, shall pay a license tax of $5.00.
Provided that merchants, storekeepers and druggists operating soda
water or mineral water fountains, shall not be required to take out a
special license under this section.
SHOOTING GALLARIES: Owners or managers of, shall pay a license tax
of $5,00 for each place of business.
SHIP YARDS, Marine Railways and Dry Docks: Owners or managers of,
shall pay a license tax of $7.50.
Telegraph systems: Owned by any person, firm or corporation or
company, shall pay a license tax of $10.00.
TELEPHONE SYSTEMS: shall pay a license tax of $10.00.
WATCHMAKERS AND REPAIRER of Jewelry, who pay no ether license shall
pay a license tax of $2.50 each.
WAGON FACTORIES, kkaiI pay a license tax of $5.00.
WEIGHING MACHINES: Owners or managers of, when operated for profit
shall pay a license tax of $2.50 for each machine dr device.
WAREEiOUSE BONDED OR STORAGE: Owners or managers of, shall pay a
license tax of $5.00.
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector before issuing' s.
license based upon the property valuation of capital stock, capacity
or production, or any other contingency, to require the party applying for i
such licenses to file under oath duly authenticated a statement of
the value of the property, or amount of the capital stook, or watt
capacity or production or other contingency, which statement under oath mama
properly authenticated shall be attached to the monthly report of license ma
made to the City Clerk. Any person who shall make a false statement
under this Section shall be punished by fine of not exceeding $50.00
or by imprisonment not exceeding 60 days.
SEC. 7. Any firm, person, association or corporation that carries on,
conducts or manages or acts as business agent for any b usiness or pro-
fession for which a license is required, without first obtaining such
license, shall be punished by a tine not less than double the amount
required by such license and not more than five hundred dollars, or by
imprisonment not more than sixty days or both. The payment of all
license taxes may be enforced by a seizure and sale of the property by
the Tax Collector of said City; it is hereby made the special duty
of the Tax Collector and Clerk of said City to report to the Mayor all
persons, firms or corporations gulag doing business within said City
without first paying a license tax as required by this Ordinance, and
it shall be the duty of the Mayor to have the parties failing or re-
fusing to pay such license tax to be brought before him to be dealt with
in accordance with this Ordinance.
SEC. 8. Every license shall be furnished by the Clerk of said City
to the Tax Collector under the seal of the corporation of s aid City
on blanks furnished by the City Council after signing the carne and taking
receipt therefor and the Tax Collector shall fill out and sign each
license before issuing the same to the person or persons paying him the
necessary amount, therefor, the Tax Collector shall make a duplicate
of each license issued in a book furnished by the City Clerk for that
purpose and shall file such duplicate license with the City Clerk. The
person or persons obtaining such original license shall keep the same
exhibited conspicuously at their place of business, and upon failure
to do so, shall be subject to another license for engaging in or
managing a business, profession or occupation for which such license
was obtained.
SEC, 9. The Tax Collector of said City shall, at the first regular
meeting of the City Council in each month, present to them in open session
a written eport of the names of all persons that have paid a special
license tax and the amount of each paid set opposite their names, for
the month preceding such meeting, and the d ate of such payment and the
business or profession for Which the sane was issued. Such report
shall be attested by the Clerk.
SEC. 10. The City Council shall furnish such blanks as are required in
book form to the Clerk of said City, who shall give his receipt there-
for, stating the number of blank licenses
h 11 b ubmitted to the City Council at
insect book and such books
any time upon their request for
their examination. Any tax Collector or Clerk of said City who shall
neglect to make return shall be removed from office, and any takkaakk szxsce
Collector filing to make the report as herein required or to pay the
amount collected in to the Treasury of said City, shall be removed from
SEC. 11. When the Tax Collector shall levy upon any property to satisfy
any license tax that any person may due or owing to the said City
of Okeechobee, he shall take the same into his possession and adver-
tise the same for sale to satisfy said license tax and /costs that may
accrue by reason of the levy and sale of said property, for two
successive weeks, in some newspaper published ins said City, or by
posting in three public places in said Cityfor ten days one of which
notices shall b e posted st the door of the City Hall or Council Chamber.
SEC. 12. The Tax Collector of said City shall be entitled to one dollar fol
each levy made under t his ordinance and shall be entitled to fifty cents
for advertising a and fifty cents for each sale make under this Ordinance.
SEC. 13. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately
tpon its passage and approval by the Mayor.
APPROVED. MY 22, 1915,