0001 (Prohibiting certain behaviors)MA:NANCE ND.
SEC. 1. It shall he unlawful:
(a) 70 cornit an assualt or an assault and battery upon another pore
(b) To fleTht except in nelt ieefenee
(c) To use abusive or provokine larguaiee to another
(J) To rake any threats of violence to another
(03) To rake any noise or disturbance calculated to dieter!) tee peace
(f) To ba drunk upon the public streets, parks or any other a)le()
place 6f the City.
(g) To use profanfe, obscen/e or Indecent langugago in any publia
place A. thin the City
(b) To make any indecent exposure or the person in any pibi c place
within the City.
(1) To willfully interrupt or distrub uny school, or any religious
nervicee, or any dance, or Free public heating.
• T.;. 2. It shall be Unlawful:
(n) 'Po carry on or about arc the person any revolver, pistol,
r,otallio knuckles, slug shot, or billie
(b) fo diseearge any gun, pistol or other fireearms within tie City
limits without first obtaining permission from the Ohief oi ceieice
xhibit inArude, careless, angry or threatening manner any
dirk, knife, sword, gun, revolver, pieta or other deadly weapon.
(di To throw any atones, brickbats, clubs or other missiles whoreby
someperson or property may be injured or hurt.
shall he unlawiul:
1) T pl;ay at any 6ame af chance for money or ot-1, tL:L6 of %.7.:i.lue
1.a.) To manage, maintain or conduct any lottery, wheel of fortune or
oTher gambling device
• C. 4. It shall be unlawful:
(a; To eeep a disorderly house or house of prostitution
(b) To he an inmate of a disorderly house or a house of prostitution
(c) To publish, sell, expose or hove in his or 'efer possession any
obscene whiting, picture, paper or object.
3'1C. 5. It shall be unlawful:
.) To race or otherwise drive or ride in a furious manner any
horse or horses or cattle, or to drive any animal or animals or
vehicles any faster than an ordinary trot through% the street.
(b) To -litch any horse, mule or other snimal to any of the shade
treesupon any of the public streets or parks, or on any private
property except by permission of the owner.
(0) To ride or drive upon any of the sidewalks of the City,
(d) To permit horses, mules, oxen or other animals to obstruct any
of the sidewalks of thp City.
(e) To rids any bicycle on any sidewalk within the City
( ) To ride a bicycle on the streets of the City at a faster rate
of speed than fifteen miles per holm,
SEC. U. it shall be udlawfult
(a) To beg upon the public streets or other public places or upon
the private premises
Zia See. 71 It shall be unlawful:
(a) To cut, brgak, bruise or destroy any of the shade trees upon
any of the public streets, squares, or parks.
(b) To Cat, mar, injure or deface any public buildings or property
(c) To remove or destroy any sidewalk or pavement
(d) To remove or tear away signs or notices except by the permission
of the proper person interest n thesame, or by permission of the owner
(e) To throw or deppeit any glass, tacks, nails, scraps of tin, iron
or other metal, or other dangerouS substances upon the streets or
SEC, 8. It shall be unlawful*
(a) To congregate upon the sidewalks to the hindrance of passersby
(b) To crowd upon the platforms of railroad cars to the annoyance of
the passengers or officers of the railroad.
(c) To use or occupy any portion of any public square, park, street
or/ sidewalk for the milepost* of aXklittaff exhibiting, selling or
offering for sale any goods, wares or merchandise, without tho per-
mission of the Mayor.
(d) To play hall or practice at plavin7 ball on am of t:he pi
streets or parks of the city.
(e) To camp upon any of the public streets, or parks of the City.
SEC. 9. It shall be unlawful:
(a) To rescue a prisoner or aid in his escape from the custody of
te Chief of Police or any officer of the City.
(b) To escape from the custody of the Chief of Police or other
officer of the Gity after arrest.
(o) to resist an officer of the City in the proper discharge of his duty
(d) To refuse to assist the Chief of Police or any police officer in
making arrests When requested to do so.
SEC. 10. It shall be unlawful:
(a) To keep open any store, shop or other place of business, or to
sell or dispose of or offer to sell or dispose of any goods, wares,
or merchandise on Sunday; Provided, that drug stores, boarding houses,
hotels and restaurants may be kept open on that day, and provided,
that newspspere, cigars and tobacco, soda water, ice cream, bread,
fruit, cakes, ice, meat and milk,..be sold andplaces kept open for
that purpose.
SEC. 11. It shall be unlawful:
(a) To block or obstruct the Rtreebte, alleys, or sf dewalks of the
City with boxes, barrels, merchandise, building material or other
obstructions. Provided, the Mayor may permit the limited use of
of street and sidewalks for building material for buildings in course
of construction or repair.
SEC. 12, It shall b e unlawful:
(a) To leave exposed at night any building material, excavations
or other dangerous obstructions without having first provided a
lighted lantern or other lights so that such obstruction may be
easily seen during all the night.
SIX, 13, It shall be unlawful:
(a) To sell or offer or expose for sale any firecrackers, fireworks,
toy pistols, or expiii1oeives for use in making noise or a display only.
(b) To shoot off, explode or use any firecrackers, fireworks, toy
pistols or other explosives.
All the provisions of this section shall be in force every days it
every year including Fourth of July, Christmas, New Yearn )ay and
other holidays.
SEC. 14. It shall be unlawful:
(a) To spit on any sidewalk or to spat on the floor, wall,porch or
steps of any store, publid building or other building used by the pubito.
. BC, lb, it shall be unlawful:
(a) To give or cause to be liven any false alarm of fire within
intent to deceive.
(b) To build any bonfire upon any public street or parks or upon
any private places in such manner as to be dangerous to surrounding
SEC. 16. It shall be unlawful:
(e.) To dig a hole or trench, or to tear up, mutilate or damage or
tepee* injure in any manner whatsoever any of the sidewalks, pavements
or streets within the City without first obtaining permission from
the Vayor; and where such permission is obtained such street or
sidewalk shall be placed in as good condition as before such dam-
age, within twentr.four hours after such di#ging, tearing up or
other mutilation.
SEC. 17. It shall be unlawful:
(a) To torture, torment, or to cruellI punish or mistreat any child
under the age of sixteen years, or cause the same to be done.
(b) To unnecessarily anucti overload overdrive, torture, torment,
deprive of necessary food or shelter, or to cruelly beat, mutilate
or kill any animal or cause the same to be done.
SEC. 10. Any person who violates Any of the provisions of this
r)rdinance shall be punished by a fine of not less th$'an Five Dollars
nor more than Five Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not more
than three months or by both such fine and Imprisonment.
SEC, 19. All ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed.
SEC. 20. This Ordnance shall be in full force and effect immediately
upon its passage and approval by the Mayor.