1975-10 (Application for Fed. Grant)RESOLUTION N0. 4ol A RESOLUTION CTHOR.IZING AND DIRECTING THE COUNTY ENGINEER OF OKEECNOBEE COUNTY TO MAKE APPLICATION F(NP FEDEP.AL ASSISTANCE UNDER PUBLIC LAW 92-500 CONSTRUCTION GRANTS PROGRAM. WHEREAS, The City of Okeechobee, Florida, proposed to prepare a 11201 Facilities Plan" for Okeechobee City 201. Planning District for abatement of poll"tion; and WHEREAS, it., i.s deemed necessary and advisable to seek federal as- sistance and/or state assistance for such plannirg study, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of Okeechobee City, Florida, as follows: 1) That Moseley C. Collins, Jr., County Fngi.nPer, be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an appli- cat3_or or behalf of the City of Okeechobee with the Environmental Protection Agenev for assistance under Public Law ')2-500 sewage construction grants for the "- preparation of the "201 -Facilities Plan" provided the Federal. Grant would be 75% for Okeechobee City_ 201, Planning District, 2) That Moseley C. Collins, jr., County Fngi rper, be and i_s beraby authorized and directed to furnish such in- form?ttnr as the Fnviromental. Protocti.on Agency may reasonably request in connection with the arri-i cation which is herein authorized to by filed. PASSED AND ADOPTED THE -1_th DAX OF `tovp'rb` 1975, at a Regular Meeting of the City Council - ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED BY ME THIS PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COTTNCTI 1lt'h DAY OF NovPmb¢r 197q. MAYOR, a