1973-07 (Awarding Water/Sewer Bonds)1644
vision of Commercial Development, requesting that a similar
to Florida Department of Commerce Di
survey and booklet be made of Okeechobee City and furnished free of charge, for distribution by
Okeechobee Chamber of Commerce. Also requested a $600.00 donation to the Chamber of Commerce for i
Christmas Decorations. Stating the county and chamber of commerce had designated $600.00 each for
this purpose. Councilman Domer moved to authorize the Clerk to write letter requesting the economic
survey of City of Okeechobee be made and free from all cost, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried. ',j
ji President Burk advised that the requested donation would be taken into consideration and they would
be notified of City's action.
Ralph Diggs, Superintendent of Board of Public Instruction was present regarding required
school sewer treatment plant test, stating plants had to be inspected twice a month and only qualified
available-peraon to run said test is city sewer plant operator, requesting the Council to consider 'I
letting this man run test for schools so that they will be in compliance with regulations. It was
jpointed out the State requires chemical test, suspended solid test to determine effeciency of test
and that the test were not lenghty and probably would require no more than six hours per month on
both school plants. After discussion Councilman Domer moved to authorize Sewer Plant Operator to
take test for period of one month and keep account of time and expense involved and then Council
will talk with School System after that time, seconded by Councilman Betts and carried.
Pursuant to notice of sale of $400,000 City of Okeechobee, Florida Water and Sewer Revenue .'
Bonds published in The Okeechobee News, this being the date and time specified in said advertisement
to open and consider all bids submitted for said bonds. The bid of the United States of America,
United States Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration, in the amount of $400,000.00
bearing interest at the rate of.five per centum (5%) per annum was the only bid received for said
bonds and therefore the highest and best bid received. President Donald L. Burk introduced a
Resolution entitled: Resolution Awarding $400,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds of the City of
Okeechobee, Florida, and Designating the Place of Payment for said Bonds. Said Resolution was then
read in full and discussed and Considered. Councilman Hunt then moved the adoption of the Resolution
as introduced and read. Councilman Betts seconded the motion, and , on roll call, the following
voted "Aye": Donald L. Burk, E. H. Hunt, Russell V. Domer and Clif Betts; and the following voted
"Nay": None.
WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee, Florida, hereinafter sometimes called the
"Issuer", has heretofore advertised for bids for the purchase of its $400,000
Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds; and
WHEREAS, the Issuer's Council met on the date and at the time specified in
said advertisement to open and consider all bids submitted for said bonds; and
WEREAS, the bid of the United States of America,, United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration, in the amount and bearing
interest as hereinafter stated, is the only bid received for said bonds and,
therefore, the highest and best bid received;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Okeechobee,
Florida, as follows:
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