1964-03 (Linda Faye Mullis Day)r
I` the the State "Miss Flame" Contest was held at
Clearwater, Florida, on May 11, 1964, and
11HEREAS, the winner of said contest was Miss Lynda Faye
Mullis, of O::eechobee, Florida, sponsored by the &,,eechobee
Volunteer Fire Department and Auxilliary, and
(WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Okeechobee desire
to give appropriate recognition to I'iss Mullis, The Okeechobee
Volunteer Fire Department and Auxilliary,
NOI'1, THEREFORE, in recognition of the honor bestowed on
Miss Lynda Faye Mullis as "Miss Flame"of the State of Flcd-da;
BE IT RESOLVED that, Saturda7, 14ay 16, 1964 be designated
Lynda Faye Mullis Day.