1967-03 (Easement to Okeechobee Beach Water)The OkeE-chcbee �,-Rch. q. cnrr,-)r..Ucn rot for
rrcul', has requ(-_stP_d tl-!- Counc-111 of tn- of .-m
across tie -,jest 10 feel, o -r that part of Lot- 1--ying of �tat,!_- ?(','d V in
jnr_tion It, TowrisIrlip 39 Smith, 35 -wpordirg to th-m! nl.-+, there -of re-
ccrd?!d in Ckmi!chobet County, Florida. Tl,e 7.n lr: being for
t constnaction and naintznv.ncc of a watcr anel
ii'L_REAS, the City of is to plan: 'mart and to lai'i W.,-,t.,!r
Aszociation to be d.intribnted through said line -
P -ed No. 17212 from the Trust. -is of the _j.mrrci,enf-nt Viind to
the City of Okeechobee for said property contains P reverter clause.
NO"fi THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Trustees of the Internal Improvement
Plir,3 of the State of Florida be and they aro!-. hereby requested to.releaqe ffaid
rAverter clause insofar an !_+, rertq.in-3 to the 'Wast 10 feet of said prorerty.
PASSED kNO ADOPTED in regular session this 6th day of Tl;,, -jt.,