1970-01 Extending Water to new Elem. SchoolR E S 0 L U T i 0 N s M I 1 4 y IPTHEREAS,, the Okeechobee County School Ito zid met with the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, on January 13, 1970, and as a body requested the City to extend its municipal water and sewer utilities beyond the city limits to the Elementary School site; and WHEREAS, it was proposed that if the Cite would purchase necessary pipe and install a water line to the school site the School Board would pay all engineering costs and reitr:burse the�ity for the cost of the pipe; and taHEREAS, this Council has considered this cost-sharing proposal in light of the desirability and necessity for the extension of the municipal water system to the school site for the promotion of the public health, safety and welfare: NOWti THEREFORE, RE IT RFSOT,VED 11Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTVC OF OKE1?CHOBEF;, F1.OR1 DA: That the municiral water utility be extender? from th(r: most accessible point on the system by water lines of suft'icient Si�.F• to mr.ct present and. fut.r:re !�e;mann brvond the municipal l.imi.ts to the new FIerr!entary School s4 t e n(-,,? r `101nst 15th etre,�t an -1 Okeechobee !venue, uoor. the cost-nharin b isi.s a.grer I to bet:�ren this Council and the ,School Poarc . T'reject rnginner- r. -, n bl i c hr -al th rerti fi enti nn, ^naly si G and cbntrnet ne?got.int-Inns between the ity pTCC^r�r{ i,,o conclnFir-) ?^ ,"ioori i)e)`,: iblr, Sr th-at this Collnc'l .,,'?V ,'urt,'noi rr,."()lve to aut•bori.ze the extension nropo^rpt hereb:T. DONE, FESOLVT''D a.nd made effective at, tho rr:gu.l ar mc. t.i.ng of the City Cr ur oi]. of the City of. Okeechobee, Florida, held on the l.)th (iny of 1970, (SEAL) A`r'TFST: Lorena. Sr,i,rQ,l Claude rTarrtner 14 q P. Wa? ker E. TT. Hurt 3. Tia ri crn ! + C r 7 t7LTY 0101INCIL