1970-03 Utilities Agreement w/DOTri nnnqf I -ITT ROAD XPARTMENT CITY REPQLUTION •-'AT 1 _TY ion Mo. i P —.'- , —T) C (5, CO ITY FC 7T I T " ii A. T.- TrP 66?6 Wall Pf !)(yld A RFSPLUTIGN AUTHOPTUM MCHTION 02 AN HTFUTUS AMMYNT M THE APJUITMvNT, CHANT'', OR REIBCATTON OF CERTUM U75MIN VPPI-i�)J 'PITT' i�T�'THTQFQAY LTMITS HERMYTIR 00 f q 1 PVP AND pRovInINn THEE VIS RI': OUTIOM ARALK 1AKF EMNYT, INTHFRF,13 khq Stnt- Road Pepartmpnt of Florida has locat il and nraposes to cunrf--Q, reconstruct a part of Kati Road YnIff Rnnd; and WHEREAS, in orler for the State Road P-nartmnnt to Yrtber and complotn sail project, it --i noccosary that cp-tifn utlliti-s ind/or MAIUMN within the KIM of Way limits of sail 204- Road 4-Iff-P4, be adju7h-d, Q",ed or reincited; onl WHEREISS thy' 4000oad Ppri,tmnt hnn;nq rPqnPstPd the Kitv of MQ-chr'._, Florida, to pxncutp and deliver to the State MY Departmont a Ut;lltics Aproem­t, agreeing to make or cause to bo made such v!j"sQPrM, chanEcs or relov,11arn of said utilities and/or Militi-q 3s set out in sold Agrnpmnnt, and sail requ-0, having been dvly conMered; NOVT THHPFMRF, L" IT '�7,,"Ur7D by the CTTY of the Gj of Plovidal that the Pre0dent M7 VurrL! PnJ Work b- aqd they aro hereb7 iithoriyod ind directed to make. execute and delivpr to the MV Poad MrQrtment , Utilltlp:�z Alioement Gr the wdjtstment, abinve or relwition rf r—tAin YKIMP9 within th- Rqht of my mmits or said state Road wnlPf 9d.- 9oction 91570.6626-, HE TT FURTMIR 1F`, TVAD that a epr0fied copy of this Lesolution be forwarlad to the Kate Road Department at Tallah?qsee, Florida.