1958-04 RR Right of Wayunder ca�'reement beptejqber 1v57, Seaboard , Air Line Ikailroa�,-4 Coma)an;7 ranted to the City of 0':eecI-io-,ee, --;--lorida, tie ri-ht to la -.r -.Lintaiil and operate ur----Ier the tracl-s and propert- said, -,,I.',lroad `o --:Pan- a -Line of ,-inch cast iron water -ine a 15-inc'- concrete casino -,,Dir.e at a )pint 11,35.0') feet, more or lesi, westwardly .From Rzilroad la pang' s 1- 1 --Jost '-0', said pipe line forrdn-, ca connection - -b an exist� m- 2 -L -ch. v.�ater �,t �,j, -004 nt 100 feet, �-ioi,e or less, mi 11 - 6 , - Center i I - .1 ort' Trc.�,, the ntar line o` track; --' ')- - T-- VIIJ the "it - -ouncil o.L- ti -le 'i'y DI - Okee2hobce, lori-1,L) tbat actior, of -,.-�e .'resid'ent of the 'ounbil the said avree,--Lent o--' September 3, 1-67, is cercb, ', in executin., ratified, ap-,croved and confir-med. hereb- certify that the a-.ove is a true and co ,-act co-- oL' f 0' r�y 41�e bit, of keechobee, -,1 i a resolution passed ouncil of the Or (I ata mCetinc, Yield on 'L -Ie C' a.%, of >-;-7 Aew 19'5