1958-12 Cancelling Unpaid TaxesR E S 0 L U T 1 0 N
B. 1-1. TH01%iAS had ni--vJe to this
Council to authorize Tax Collector of ',L -he City of 01.�.aeclobc-e,
-anc.el !:11 cit- �,,ere`o'oe 1,:�vied 'Ghe
Florija u, 1, - - -1 - I., j .,
property hereina-lter desci-ibaJ for the years 1944 -jn('L prior for
';he taat- sail'i taxes .,jr;:- careened by Chapter _22079, Laws
of Flori0a, Acts of 191,3, and
sai�l tf -,ed (-,r the
J_ _lXelzj I-TlijCh lh-)ve assess�
years 1944 and rrior ccnsid-tute D cloud upon s --?iii prcrerty and
thi, S Council hawint, --sven ,tue consi6err "on to said application,
). 11 j-
I,To�e�7 T F 3T] I'r' R75,SOLVE0 'that the C-1 ty Tax
, `] F - F C - _T,
i�- . 1L E
Collector of the City of Okeechobee be, and he is hereby author-
-1. 1 L L",
ized and instruct.edl to c!_:inco1_ --ill t.--vx-es unpiii(I f n(I -tax cert�fice-::O
i,sued Cor y,,,1rjs 19,44 prior, or -my si7ch YerArs, -sm,d nl.•-07nro-pe
Qot.!:1t11r)n on t..he t.--,, rolls of the saiJ to clear t1hic, foilo�-,Tinr,
uescrib ,i l;_:,,n1-.1s of sai-"�. tr_ixes:
ots 11 2� 31 7 -Ind 8 of "Block 230., PF irs`
A00 i to -,ccor-,ling to Plat
thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, pa�,-,e,26,
I I I., L, -, . .
pub]. -I -c! records of St. Luc -'U:_, Coun'-y, 71n-ri�`Ia.
p4- I
U a ion th-'; 6th of
P �as,,�� d e d in re g,,.� �:�,js
Auf ust A. i). L r3.
BOX 608
CTTY OF 0r7,"7C70T_1,TE