1954-01 Street Pavingle City t ki
y '
�JDuncl.1 o" )_k-eec,_.ob--e, FlorldE-, woi.ild_
respectfi-,,ily eiIow .tato your .i,-)norr-•ble .-)o&r.,, treat
Ch.ok,-iloskee ')treet, Nort�e., t-.rouh "olored 11'own"
is an lm)v!-tant "route" of trEvel "rom the b,,,siness part
of sFi-3 city to t" -.L,- Colorer'-ection of Oke(chobee City,
and t,,tr the of travel from Colored town, E-st
to Stqte T'one, 1�, 6ons,"itutes .9 serious traffic hezArd,
,_t. -e to tiie ,-ieavy treffic incident to the 1-,adLnL-,lr of
vegetables, pulp -wood and otner co;woodities, tnerefore:
ie 3oerd, of Count Gorrvuissioners of'
Okeechobee Co'. nty, TI orida , be end it is hereby requested
t5 include in its "Secondary" Road Oro"rp.-(i, the
din,; and oa v in of th,_ cllowin�_, Streets and/or iiovds;
I I I � - I � 4 + 1
,a n 0' -, 1 -- ri a 1 c) r c :)a -- d ir T, I, r. c t
Ch- I I LD
I,eqin at tiie 7rter,_ectlor, of Hoed '(0 and Gnokqlosike e
-,,: InterIczction of lith Street;
street; t-lence tim ','-)-vt(-i tu-
LlA 1-
ience last to tile intersection of StLqte t=oad 15.
)Pssedl In ooen sess'_e-m, t,Js the II.ti-i de,r of
A Si