1950-07 PipelineZ -L E 0- 0 L U 2 1 u 1� .- tile ��itj of �).Keecilooee, Yiorida, ue'Si-I'es tj ii�stall a ploe line u�ider �,.e neiivoad Di�ox,�rty of Ll -.Le Se&cozi.vu iii tile c;ity of ukeeci.obee, Fioride.) a'� a point 1,110 feet rLsst of ildle iost U6, and ti -e -ceid 6eacoara npilwaj a,u ti -e q-&LcI c.Lt� la ve c�,reed oii tile ter -is a,id co,,,ditions reccnrdin,.� tile snid ifistallpi.tiorl as iiereinbefore mertioned, as -per Ij �j I - -, L 1, � q UP Sea�)o�-.:rd "Pioe 'ine 'rosc;'n-3, Fox-rn tti Y ,,erein siiomitted b� 'ui-.e c ---aid 3c.,-�bop.r�l n-ailwcey (jom-o-eiiy, '�'Ow, therefore, in considerption of 'U-�-,e (2jvc-n,-i.t0-, set Out �j " U,)Tjl,, -L �)F �,"TI 6F .3-�- Tj-Lzl -IT- FLji�iDi�, Tiiat tne ��lerz� of se id ity t �'ic ti-,,ereof aj:.e nereuj al)ti�jrized �,,.d U-�.xected to afi'ix tj said Of, '-'Ilu ffor -Lil- Oei'efi� Of LlL�-7 CJL�' Of, FIQx-.Iua' a 1'�-k Lliz' t 0 tile u't LlJ1 E. e Y'Ifis 0 S� -t Uv, UF pAb_T.j� 'Y\ APPROVED BY ME, this the !�� day of June,, A. D. 1050. mayor, vity or ukeeen 0 Florida