1950-05 Setting Aside Taxes.m E 3 1-0� i, U 2 1, u i� .
,VhEnLAS tne cit� of Okeectio'bee, Floridt, tIPS)
for a num.-ber of yetrs, assessed the followinL -)rop�rty,
Gov. Lot I exceot 1,�`. 2`0 acres ifi 3ec 22
Soll.tri, i�en-e 35 �ast,
oji the tp.' rolls of sp-Id city, &nd
sz-�id laiids ,,exe excluded frona tr�e limits ')f
qFid city ii, ti,e jeer of cL,u tiie t-,i--seSsmeiIt of S�id
1&rlu-s by t,le ci--ty of U4eecilobee, Floricic, i.as geen Iii
Id lvnd� sf-ouia i-i&ve ucen omitlu-ed ii ti -e t�-x
e ic-i or; B,-:-
rol�'S Of said cit�, wi--Ler-,-fore,
.L�L iT ru�;6uLVL�) bi t�-e uow-icil of Ll-�e uit� of
okee �,i-o b� e tE U I
We s, E; z� Se - se— L t 1-i- e ov-e
the sa,,,,e ex,e vecated se,'L
eside aiid Leld -or
and the cit,, clerk of s� id
'u- h e
J t� s ,.ere-,' vul- orized aiid. directed Iu-:) c,-:icf-1
s,�- ! e of record.
Passed in o,, -,)en, rel�!ilF.r session, ti.iq tt-.Le
-L— - U-- Y
0 f
The auove and fore--oin r,
�,.�eqerited oy
5.1d seconed E,�� couiisll VjLcDo�iLz7�ld,
F,nL', the samne w,,s i1fia.Amo;v,3iy �)E'SSeU Oil L.L.Le —'�.,6e anct jeex
set ol.it aoove.