1950-02 Designating Okeechobee News for official noticesThe following resolution was introduced by Mr. who moved its adoption: liESE474Ti8N limtbe-P BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL -W CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLURITA- 1. That THE OKEECHOBEE be and is hereby now declared the official newsnaner to publish any and all legal notices or otiier advertisements the City may be required by law or otnerwise to publish durinc- the year 1950. 2. That- the City Cierk be and is hereby ordered snd instructed to coilipiy with Lhe order of this Council and pla(,e P.11 leSal advertiseiaents in at the. minimum leqal rate in the Okeechobee r�lews until January 1951, grovided, however, that the Olceec,,hobee Ne-v�.7s shall remain a newsna-per in which legal notices and processes may be published according to law. 3, ThRt a quorum of th-1-s Council is now -present and has hevrd the reading of this resolution. The motion to adont said resolution was seconded by Ta r -�)on roll call the following voted Aye: 4 Klhl_aR and u IV! El S S r S ,-IV $ A 71 "e Q' and AV,4 7"- 'ed — . Thereupon the declared said resolution duly adopted and passed at the reguler meetinZ of the City Council of City of Okeechobee this the 9th dav of Januar7 19 -50, A.D.