1950-01 Removal of Decayed BuildingThe roll4wing ka &.Resolution that was pzesontei by Councilman Nix and upon
beis tuly aseended was put to a vote and wianimously &d4P
R 9 S 0 L U T 1 0 N
WHEREASs builiings Qn Lots 7 and S. Blcok 1590
City of Okeechobee,, are 41ecayet andl in ruin, and
WHEREAS9 said butliinrs c,snstitute a m6nance to the
health 9 -nal safety of the citizens of 0keac1-i-)bcI,- City and County,
-ote .01 Compiled General Lawa of the
WHERRAO., Cha- - 167
State nf FlariJr�, 1941,, autflorl.zes the C! t -r of town c -ouncil to
have decayed builviinge eni rl-)-*;_ns remcove4. 11-v tb�� ewner thereof
WHEREAS., t�,e- sal.el prspert7 herr�ln i1fis-arlbed 5-8 ownal b -r
ono tiles Ben�,,Iovanni,,
niE REFORE, BE IT RE& --)LVED by tha City %Council *f the (Aty
of Okeechobee Florlda that the said J -De. B,.)ngi'avann1 be and lie is
hereby raquirc-4 to remoic, sai4 deca-
,Ted b il 1411-t�,p
J and r-.I'Lns 011 3;A J d
proptrty he�,oln dosolribed* 3n or b,3fart thirty (3-0) days front J&ts
oti-i---rwise thm City Coo-ric"i of t1ift Ci -17
hereefs �_[ of Okeech3beej,
will. hAve spI4 deca-ei ruir13
rem*)voti fis Drovidc-J b-7 law,
PASSED ank ADOPTED this the
9 4ay ,f Jqunary, A. D. 1950,
laro)l 1A PeArce
CIt7 Clerli: