1948-02 Vacating Streetsen 48 P��,Qt 449
Whereas the Florida Last Coast Railvay Company has abandonded
and removed its tracks from Okeechobee lying betwene Borth and South
Curve Streets as shown by a plat of First Addition to city of Okeechobee
recorded in the public records of St. Lacie County,, Florida; and,
'Whereas, there are several dead end streets intersecting said
abandoad##X railway right-of-way, the opening of which would be of
great advantage to the development of the city of Okeechobee and the
abuting property owners, and,
Whereas, Borth and South Curwe Streets are not now and hqve never
been opened and used as streets or any other public use, and,
Whereas the Okoechobse County Board of Public Instruction desires to
obtain certain parts of said Railway right-of-way and parts of said
North a4d South Curve Streets for school purposes and have made all
necessary negotiations to obtain the same as soon as the said streets
are abandoned, and,
Whereas the oinere of the reversion rights of said streets desire
to plat siad North and South Curve Streets to conform with the lots
and blocks of the original plat of the town of Okeechobee and the
additions thereto opening all streets intersecting with existing
streets and avenues running East, West, North and South, and,
Whereas it does not appear that the opening of said Borth and South
Curve Street would ever be a benefit to the city of Okeechobee'.or
any property owner thereof but on the contrary the abondening of
said streets would be a benefit/all the tax payers of the city and
helpful to the abuting property owners,
THSaJOBS BE IT RESOLVED That the city Council of Okeechobee,
Florida in order to effect further development of the city of Okeechobee
do hereby vacate and abandon Borth and South Curve Streets as shown
by a plat of the First Addition to 'the town of Okeechobee,, Florida
recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County, Florida and the
owners of said Vacated and abandoned streets are hereby authorized
to plat the lands contained in said stroets to conform with the
original plat of the town of Okeechobee and additions thereto,
reserving however all rights the city of Okeechobee have in and to
the following Bast and West Streets - Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth,
sixth,, seventh and South Park Street and the following North and
South - Okeechobee Avenue, Seminole Street, Osceola Street,,
BOOK '18 -94G'1450
Riepochee Streetq Hiamee, Street, Kissimmee Street,, Parrot Avenue
Tallahassee Street, Cherokee Street and Riwassee Street, wbere
they arose said abandoned North and South Curve Streets.
Done and ordered in open session of the City Council of Okeechobee
day of "rch A.D. 1�480
Florida this 4z
MAY 7 1948
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R(CORDED IN ----- %-0 - - - BOOK
NO.___4_S� -------------
MAP. I . . . ............