1949-08 Rights of Way'1� . S 0 - L , U T 'r . 0 Y or Mot�on if Cernellmn Mc. De,147 ,p1d, secwncinl bw Cnimciln.au Nix, the following re-xq�lutl-,n wer JadO)Dtf�d.. .J.,) WHERFASt The StatA Rer.d T)epqrtmext of Pltrido hias autbarized and re- auested the Oitv -of Oke,,):-hobee t-) Pirmlsh tlh�, rir'lts of wp-v P-,-cl op.sements 'or that pirrtlor of SeetJOA 9107 .9 of State PottpA� No, 70, eirtondAng :Pvr. r3snpl Streit in clsr,7 I'Ttrth Pirk- Stc-emt to Tall &Ihis t,vo, Street., situate Ln said nvnI.cip*1jt7 x,�3 hmn9tefor,t tcarv-!�Ted 4?nd lmcci-md I)v the Strte Rep.d Der. urtmerit and ihcwr '.,)7 nap or C!.Im in the .)ffiv,,q Pf th,- Clerk of the Circult �d'ourt Pf Okeechobme Cv!m^-1rJ, s,.nd In ths -)fff,�o of tbts City Clark ef maid Citv of Okeechoti,ap em(' in the office of the taid DeDartiisnt sit Tmllahasaet, and 1VF7,4R:TASP Tbej sald Departyro-ni. vii -13. not begir, consti-actley. of said see-%Jcox In st-ld Trunicipality vntil tJ41-le -%'Jo all land necessa" for said sectl*m bue been coxvoyeo to or vest6d in said 1-i;ato� b -.y said rnimtc!pstl1t-r, u -id inlrl lands ph-,7.m-i.ea!"1-.r elmared ef all occupavits, t,!,nRrt*., fencem, build- inqx and/or otbmr structuret situate uDen or encroaching within the limits of the lands required for said section; iitrr therefore he it RE"IMED, that said. municiDallAy, Ahrvo!�h Its Cit -1, roDuncf.l. 4-mp-1- wi. ti -i the requp�st of safi 7-),!tioartment sird procurm, or vest I," '"Jaid State the free,, clear ard imericuribered tit3.p, to a.11 landm necomsary ftr said section mf read., and deliver to the State Road DepartMent 3aid lards physically clear of all. accupants, tenants, fencer, bulldirigs and/or 4ther structures situatb apen or arcroaching wf-th'.n the limits of the landt repiUred for siid section, ane that the '-4*7nr jmd the k,'�itv bot; and tht�T Q1W,* bor-tt- b-v s.-nd tlrer,-te-d tc execut-,.% qr-5 ei'l ve2-9 ill V -b.%'Lf of C-:�,6,v i —* ss 10 It tbf� �.t& A it 1-i V--, f -orri 'A.) o, P, ', -3 pttn(�I, ei; on d 'tsk 4 t R7SCLITFT) thal- %b#� f .,- for "�bi-! lriinl(,57)rlit-�- be$ ;a-,! ho Jn h-rs!,7 autbe-1-ad an,3 dir-toted to lorr�e!A t,i 'E':r 'I -i -s r-risot)lr- sters f-,-- the anc-Are in V -)p npr---i *f �-tjairl l-,ir -7ift, plirselAtt.,4o-, or -r r ghts Pf wa- 4rd 5a.semer--As Said .30-t1"r nf i"%qO. Q -1d *1-1) rr(-T)Rrf� 1. 1 t; npL:i nf scid CitT bv ��tm Cit7 Councilmen all condomnation papers, affilarits and plei.dinri, and nrosecull-t All �endamnation oroceedings 11-9 1,-Avenfmt; -,-nd said AttorneT' is further authe-ri, zed to halre prepared ct --3aid C1 ty I s oxpmmce, ord furnish to the Departmtnt the abstx-ant search r)revided for in said con- tract. t t 3TATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF OKFECHOBEE T HEREBY 'CERTIF-71 rnd 3(..r-:,mct colp-r Thai, the f ri, o�f reselutlor (,):ki ?�j �,f , F?-Gl.l dA qt a t - �-t'-ru liele tt* -j -- ft&7 or' T)Pc-iTrber A. D. 191:9, .9)ki -ecort4,F-1 tr f,'hm rl—'-se of svl�d Clt?, Com,:!U. 117 W",Trr-,MS 1111FREOF. I hareunte 3et n -r hixd ancl. -)ffl-lial ;3.-it2. 5th thl-3/day of D(,l,exr2be-.r- P. 7). 194(�. rtt,,r (",16rk -Af the it� ,7 Okeochobe4,9 Flc.!id&k