1946-04-02 Levy of Utility TaxR Z S 0 L U T 1 0 N WHEREAS, under the -provisions of Or,9inence No. 216 this Council levied a utility tax for the purpose of -ion of the City Government and, by obt&Ining funds for operat Resolution, &doptee 0--tobxr 15, 1945 provided h t at suell funds tv- �0-k j"Tk be used to imnrove the streets a"- porks of said 6 - City, and WHEREAS, this Council believes it rill be to the best Interest of said City that immodicte action be -Uzkpn �31' to repair such streets as are nor In a djj&pi,1Lte6. condition, and WHEREAS, the services of a reliable, expirlonceA contrector Pre virp-11pb1p for this work ;.;n(,l this Council be- lieves that said work can be done at the presont time at less exr)ense to sglz9 City, and e WHEREAS, it is neco�ssury that the sum of $18,000.CO be made availRblo immediately for such work and this Council believes it will be to the best interest thlc?t Time WarrAnts be issued and sold in such amount oo thQt funds can be made svi�,ilablo immediately. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, *Chal-, the City All-torney be, AnA he Is, hereby instructed to prepare an Ordinance pro- viding for the issuance *na stl* of City Time In the Pei amounu of $12;000.00 for the purpose of obtainl.W funes to rn*k* immediate rerairs to the streets' n tuhte City of Okeechobee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, th&'U- the City Attorney be instructed to t,,�ke such other action vs is nec-.,!�ssury to "LeF,611y issue s,�id 'Time Warrants. PASSED AND ADCPTID In regular olpen session this March- -4, A t t e S t: CITY OF OKEE10MCBEE, FLORIDA City Clerk - to Seal) foorpors By Pros-rL;5ent, City Council Approved by me this Viarch 4, A.D. 1946. AV" I. Lorena Pearce, City Q1.erk of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting held Monday, March 41 1946. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City of Okeechobee, Florida, this 2nd day of April, A. D. 1946. city Clerk