1946-06 City TaxesCol-ulcilman Watford pr,;ac.,,-,-uCd ;,Iic following Recollulioli a.*aa moved i -us, adop-uion, and upon boinc, seconded by Oouiicilman Thoinr-o w. -z pul� to a vote r.-i--Ld imar.nimously adopl;cd: CD 4 R Z S 0 - L U x I U- 14 VEEREAS; 1,*he p-ropuxl;y h0reof doocribed h"al-, b%jcn :for ci,�y tr-xc;q on i;hc Tax -Ro I for t"lle yearc L928 -,W-o 1941b, bo,;h inc.Lucivc, rnd -0 op C. -C 1�1-1EREAS, ti -10 r'aid - ty horein --f*i;Cx d(�zcxibcd wa- noi cinb-racod wiq.-lain -u -I'ic city tillo of oboe d-cwi--ag -,'!'-id time a --,-id tICI.0 I.-cxoac; for rf'iCl -uo-cUld be c mac c.L 1 c d o f -c c c ct. NOW THER140JRX BIL IT RZSOLUD -i;a,16 -Uao Ci -6y O.Lvrk ba cho jZCd 1;:.ld jj'jnt-l'U(Cj;Cd -1-0 CC,-jCQj ,, -) r 4-,., .L ..L.L I:Lll, .1i (I w - a io horoiDy a-Caiio-C - w 'XQ. , ria- �al .Ld Ou.�e6mundinIg Tax CQTl;ific!-'.lC--, if C Y, for 1928 -uo 1�45, bo-th inclusivo on tao folio -wino doc-cribed pro-ooxny lyi--ag nnd being in P-Up"4-0 O -L' F the CoLua,�y' of 01--,ccchoboo, -U C) V, rk S -L: 14, Rivo.cc-ido Pa. Lol; 7, Biocl, according to P.L,,,,,t thoxco-f, rccoa�dod i -a P.Lat Book 1 27 , -cowcd.-' of 'Ok000l-lo'-I 00-CZ,-.L+v o.-l.']L d a 'PaGged and adopvcd i -n 0-.Z tlao Cit -Y Coua%-Ii.L -tillis Jully lCV, L94o. Ul'i'Y �V'F GXZZGU'�BLE By - llug'.� Uiar,.-uldlc 3: Procidnat Gi-Cy Cou-'acil ki:TEST: Lorona Poa-L-ce 0 Ck The fore -oin� HQOO�i:c�ion io r,.-,.)l')xoVCd be ii'iu -'W-aic Ln"- of J-L:L-iy A. D. W., Z C: M 0 0