1945-01 Surplus EquipmentR E 3 0 L U T 1 0 N wmws The city of 01toeshaboo bwYe been awdod a owt&U wmber of pieces of equipwat from the varohouss, of the State Defense Cotmell of Plaridap and WMMWj This oquipmt intended for use of tbo Fire Depwtamt of the City of okesibobee, bas far a long time been badly needed and Its reaoipt will pUoe the City of okkoehaboo In position ta, give tmodUte and adequato, Fire Defeaseg and mwW8j A oertain emplayee of the city of oksoohebeoo Leo* Lulb in a rogqlw mpleyow of the obbeehobee Fire, DepWtout wul the Said Lwxkb is hereby appointed by the I , City C%Md"I&I to act as ouxtodian of the equipwat thus lamed by the State Defense comell a Florida# therefore BS IT RjSoLv= x that Lwab be and Is hereby appointed to be the sUstodian of the abM Mued Fir* MOVISAt Md that the city of ok"ohobes have stiltsible suroty bond plaaed against Lotb to assure his faithftl *aro and vAlatenance, of the said Firs, BvilmeAt 0 Mssod In regular session of the City COUV014 this day Of Woh A, D. 190 UITY OF OK"OdOBIF, B -1— P-raoidon , Oity 06unci A7tl OEST: QItY uYark The for6oing R0801utiOn is mp-roved by MG thie 5th clu.,,,y of LurCh, A. JU. 1945. .9 A Y 0 A