1944-01 Real Property Given to CityRESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee, Florida, a municipal corpora- tion, on the 7th day of July, 1934, by gift, acquired the following described property In Okeec-'nobee County, Florida: S -k of NE14 of Nrl -4 IIW-41 of NT.-41� 's of NFi of SAL Pailway WMERFAS spid property i4ps conveyed to the snid Cityt by Oke- echobee Company, P corrorption, 9nd has been t4-eveloned Pnd used as a munici-opl Pirport end WH*17'REAS at the time said pronerty was conveyed to said City, there were unpaid delincuent Sta�te �nO County taxess pgilnst same which was unknown to the 1.1ty, Officials of the City of Okeechobee a .'� the �Itle to said lands beesme vested In the State of Florida n L, pursuant to the -orovision of Chapter 9296, Laws of Flori0a, Acts of 1937 for feilure of said City to pey spid. tax�-,s; said taxes be- ing re-oresented- by the fallowing certific-tes Of the 1973 sale: 1881 Sjo-- of NTJ of NTJ 1882 Nl.,4. of NFJ 1883 S1 of NEI of SAL Railvqy WhMEAS Chapter 21929, Laws of Plorida, Acts of 1943 authorize Trustees of the Intarnal ImDrovement Pund of the State of Florida to convey property, under certnin conditions, to municipplities without cost when it appears that said City wps interested in said nrorerty for the rurrope o -F' usin,7 sprre for ruh"--'Lc -r)urr.o-nes, Pnd WHM-EAS the 11ity of Okeechobee (lesires to contnue to use sqid nropprty for Pirport -n�9 other rub".1c rurroses. NOIAIS THT77FORr, PP" TT RESOLVr_.D thpt the Trucitees of the Internal Imnrovement rund of 'the Ft9te of Flori,-',- be qnc�,. they are, herr-by re- qucsted. to convey the nbove described -property to,the City aforesaid for the rjurnose of usinc, came for Pirport Pnd other rublic pur-o!�es. C, P BE IT FURTHER PESOLVED that P_ certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Trustees Aforespid with the recuest thnt immedi- ate consider!it.lon be given this ?pT)Iic,-tion bpc*-7use of the fact that Y i7mr-roved. by the United the municiDpl Pirport Is to be immedipte!,7 I - 4 States Government end spid property is needed in connection with such im-orovement. PASSED AND ADOPTED In regul�,r open session this 7th (9..r,;y of Feb- ruery, A* Do 194* ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF OKFFCt�OB7Fj FLOFIDA B Y President; C�fy Council The sbove Resolution is ppproved by me this 7th day of Feb- ruary, A* Do 10)14* Mayor