1930-02 Flood Control Hdqrtrs.The Zollowing resoiuzion was oiierea oy uoun-cl.Lman berKa, mio movea 1 -us. acLop.- t motion seconded by Councilman Chandler and caxriedg tion, 1HEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida, at its regular lession, A. D. 1929t did create the Everglades Flood Control District, and provided therein for the appointment of a Flood Control Board of said District; and 1HEREAS, the enact,emt provides -that the Commissioners of the Everglades Flood Control District shall seleot and designate the headquaxters for said Board at an eaxly date, aa:Ld headquarters to be located within the Flood Control District as created; and WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee, Florida is located at a point on Lake Okeecho- bee easily accessible to the construction work to be done and performed; and WHEREAS, the said City of Okeechobee, Florida, has adequate office space and housing facilities for said headquarters and its attendant agencies, as well as an excellent water supply and system, and fully accredited High School and adequate school plant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Okeechobee., Florida, at its regulax meeting held on the 6th day of Augast, A. D. 1929, that the Commissioners of the Everglades Flood Control District be, and they are hereby J invited, solicited, u:cged and requested to establish their headquarters in and at the City of Okeechobee, Florida;, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee Florida., does hereby pledge its full and hearty co-operation in the premises. BE ITYURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the City Council of the City of Okee- chobee, 'Florida, be, and is hereby directed to forwaxd a copy of this resolution to Hon. Doyle E. Carlton, Chairman, Boaxd of Commissioners Everglades Flood Control District. B en Walk er Pr;sident Pro7em. Attest: R. P. Fletcher Clerk. (Corporate Seal) Councilman Raifenider moved that creditors of the City'of*Okeechobee be allowed 'for wperiod of days to pay City taxes with accounts against City and that such accounts be assignable,'motion seconded by Councilman Chandler and carried.