1927-04 Abondons Streets in Windler's Woodland Parkk
011-erchobee, Florida, Dec. 6th,lc2
T"11'ie 0ity 'Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met In regular session at
t�,e Jd,�tv hall at o'clock, r). m. and tl,-.e follo-incr vere nresent: J. Denham 3ird,
�.ayor, 1. C'nsey, President City Counl-.il, Coun-cilrnen Ben 7,"�lkpr and H. H. Hancock�36424
with R. P. Fletcher, Clerk, Lon Stewart, 01hieff of Polioe, L. C. Tootle, Water Super-
intendent L. "It. jenniri;zs, 11.14-ty Attorney in attendance.
'_'inut-es of m.eetinp- held November 1;�th rere read and ap-)roved.
1*'Ayor 3ird at the request of lu'rs. Crozier brought the matter of passing an
0 r d4l n a n c e 7oro'.Ihibiting chickens frorr runninc ?+1 IRrge within the 10ity limits before
the Oouncil. No action on matter was taken b,,r 0jouncil.
�:es,s_rs 0. J. Price and C. i7initler appeared before C"ouncil relative to the
a'-,:)an5or..,Y.e,_4t of certain streets in Winl:lert Yioodland Park.
Councilman hancock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption,
:z:otion seconded by 1,10ouncilran "11"alker -nd passed:
Be It Resolved by the City Council of the 101ty off Okeechobee, Flo. -Ida, that
Thirteenth Street from Oke�,c'hobee Avenue to `10,mereet. Street and that -oart of 111,'est-
rr � L
,orelend Drive in wood1rind Park be and -he -ame Fire hereby abat2doned and
discontinued as public streets of said V"ity.
C 'Oun- I I.,
-ilman Hancock moved +ha* City buy one-half dozed cuspidors for Council
Chamber and three paper baskets, motion seconded by 01ouncilman 'Salker and nassed.
Upon motion Council adjo4rned.
Attest: President City 03ouncil
2 3 0 4
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