1927-03 To Take Out LoanNd
Trie Qouncil conGidered proposed changes in City charter, and after
discussing same, the following resolution was offered by Councilman Casey who moved
its ad -option, motion seconded by Councilman Hancock and. passed.
R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N
State Senator, L. W. Jennings and County Representive, T. W. Conely, Jr. be and they
are hereby requested to Drocure amendments tothe charter of the City of Okeechobee,
at the next session of the Florida State Legislature providing in effect as follows:
1. That the City Council be authorized by ordinance to assess licenses
in the City of Okeechobee to an amount of not exceeding twice the amount of
license charged by the State of Florida.
2. That the City poll tax la.w be amended so that every voter shall be
required to pay City poll taxes for the tv!o years preceeding any City election
before such voteAShall be permitted to vote in such election regardlebb of length
of time that such voter shall have resided in the City of Okeechobee.
3. That the City of Okeechobee be permitted to borrow money to an
extent of not over $20,000.00 in the aggragate, upon notes of the City, to be
signed by t.he President of the City Council and attested by the City Clerk, upon
authority of motion or resolution duly passed by the City Council.
Upon motion Council adjourned.
President of 04ty Council
City Clerk
Tne zoiiowing resoliation was offered by Councilman Hancock who moved its adop-
.--tion, motion seconded by Councilman Walker and passed
Be It Resolved by the.City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, tha� the
City bdrrow from Peoples Bank of Okeechobee the sum of $1770-00 for the purpose of
meeting principal and interest payments due On City Bonds.
Be It Further Resol-ved that the Ertsident of the City Council and the. City
Clerk be and they are hereby -authorized and instructed to execute to said Peoples
Bank of Okeec obee the nitv I s note nPivable on demand f or the sum of ftl770 00
Be It Further Resol�ved t�at the Pity Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and
directed to retire,,from the first aviilable funds of the City accruing from the
payment of taxes.
. Upon motion by Councilman Casey, seconded by Councilman Chandler, Council
authorized Street Committee to have bridge on Borth Park Street rebuilt.
Councilman Casey moved that Council authorize City Tax Collector -to extend
the time for payment of City taxes for the year 1926 until June lst, 1927, motion
seconded by Councilman Hancock and passed.
Upon motion Council adjourned.
Attest: -
City Clerk.
resident City Council