1926-01-26 Bond Sale ElectionThe'following,resollution -was offered by,Councilman Hancock, who moved !Its adoption; motion seconded by Councilman Bass; u-oon roll call the vote was as �follows: Yea's Naye none H.H.DeYa.rman H.T.Bass Z. Denham Bird �'H.H.Hancook R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N - - - - - - - - - - WHEREAS,( // an adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Okeet�_._ chobee, FlQrida, as adjourned from a regular ttieeting of said City Council held December 15, 1925, was held December 19, 1525, for the purpose of considering the question of calling an election for the purpose of bonding the City of Okeechobee, Florida, for the purpose of raising money for the municipal purposes provided for in the charter of the City of Okeechobee; end WHEREAS,the City Council at said adjourned. meeting took under consider- ation an ordinance entitled: "An ordinance providing for,the issuance and sale of bonds by the IMayor and City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, for the purpose of ex- tending and expanding the water system of the City of Okeecho�e'e', Florida; for furnishing water and fire protection; for erecting water works, laying water mains, purchasing land for erecting the same thereon, and for all other necessary things in connection therewith; for the further purpose of repair- ing, construting, extending., and expanding iseperage, including all connections upon -certain avenues,, streets, and alley -ways" or Darts thereof, including necessary incenerator or incenerators, in the City of Okeechobee, Florida, in all its details; for the further purpose of erecting a municipal building in, and for the City of Okeechobee, Florida, to provide adequate quaters for th( City Government and Fire Department,-Durchasing land for erecting the same therpon- And fnr All ntlipr nnn.P�Pnn-ry +hi-nern 4-n 4-U — — — — A A -U - 0-- A. -L- — and - - I - - ___ - - __ _-) . _�. vv VA.6ovA."v, ttu%-_qu.Z-,Ltt; qU�,LUvxb 1 - City Government and Fire Department, purchasing land for erecting the same thereon, and for all other necessary things in connection therewith; for the further purpose of maintaining the city parks of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, including purchasing or lea -sing of land and all other things necess- ary to imnrove the oark system; for the further nur-pose of opening, widening, or paving" in all its details certain avenues, stree�s, or parts thereof, cluding the erection of bridges in the Cith of Okeechobee, Florida, and desis- nating the streets or parts thereof to be improved and the location of the bridges to be eTectedw- authorizing lien certificates to be issued a6ainst abutting pioperty where new streets are constructed; providing further for the calling of a special election for the approval or rejection of the issu- ance of said bonds by the electors of the City of Okeechobee, Florida; and providing further for the prorating of the money obtained by the sale of said bonds among the several enterprisess or projects set forth herein." WHEREAS, said ordinance was Passed at said meeting by a unanimous vote of the menbers of the City C.ouncil of said City; and WHEREAS) said ordinance entitled as above was signed by the President of the City Council, attested by the City Clerk, presented to the Mayor, he being then and there pres.ent, and approved by the Mayor on the said l9th day of December, A.D. 1925, and designated and numbered Ordinance No. 100; abd WHEREAS, said ordinance as entitled above provides for the issuance of bonds of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, in the several amounts and for the several nurnoses ae set out therein; and WHEREAS, said ordinance provided for an election to be called by the Mayor for the purnose of submitting to the oualified voters of theCity of Okeechobee., Florida, the question of whether or not the bonds provided by said ordinance should be authorized and issued; and EHEREAS, not ice of special election ras given as provided by law and by the provisions of the above entitled ordinance; and WHEREAS, the votes cast at said election were as follows: ed by the f Okeechobee, ?nce should law and by Q U 4� %A 4�;.Luuiivri were aa iollovvs: "FOR VIATER" For the issupnce of $-,01000.00 of bonds for the extension and expansion of the water system of the City of Okeechobee, Florida.. "J 11 Against the issuance of $70,000-00 of bonds for the extension end Che City of Okeechobee,Florida,... exDansion of the water systerr, of 4 2 "FOR SEVVERAGE11 For the issuance of 013,000-00 of bonds for the repair, construct- ion, extension, and exnansion of sewerage, including the erection and construction of necessary incenerator or incenerators .......... 3,.7, Against the issuance of W,000-00 of bonds for the repair, con- struction, extension, and expansion of sewerage, including the erec- tion and construction of necessary incenerator or incenerators ...... 4 "FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING", For the issuance of $1,10,000.00 of bonds for the erection of a municinal building in and for the City of Okeechobee, Florida ........ 28 Against the iseuanoe of $40,000.00 of bonds for the erection of a municipal building in and for the City of Okeechobee, Florida... .- 8 "CITY PARKS" For the issuance of 05000-00 of bonds for the maintaining of the city parks of the City ol Okeechobee, Florida ................ 29 Against the issuance of $5000-00 of bonds for the maintaining, of the city parks of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, ............. 7 "FOR STREET PAVING" For the issuance of 087,000-00 of bonds for the opening, widen-.- in'g, or paving of certain streets in the City of�Okeechobee, Florida, including necessary bridges ............................. . 36 Against the issuance of $87,000.00 of bonds for the opening, Florida,, including necessary bridges ............................. 4 , and WHEREAS, it appears that there were a majority of �6 votes cRet at said election for the issuance of $70,000-00 of bonds for the extension and expansion of the water system of the City of Okeechobee, Florida; and a majority of 32 votes cast at said election for the issuance of $13,000-00 of bonds for the repair, construction extension, and ex�oansion of sew�_rage, including the erection and construction of necessary incenerator or incenera-L-lors; and a majority of 20 votes cast at said election for the issunnce of $4.0,000.00 of bonds for the erection of a, municipal building in and for the City of Okeech0bee, Florida; and a. majority of 22 votes cast at said election for the iccuance of $5000-00 of bonds for the maint,-jinin;, of parks of the City of Okeechobee, Florida; and a majority of 32 votes cast at said 'election for the issuance of $87,000.00 of bonds for the opening,widening, or paving of certain streets in the City of Okeechobee, Florida., including necessary bridges; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance No. 100 provides th,-t the bonds -provided for in - said said ordinance shall be numbered form 1 to 21', inclusive, or in case all 01 bonds are not authorized then from 1 up to and includin.- the proper numeral?.41-o include all the bonds so authorized and sh9ll be in denominations of $1000.00 each; sRid bondc to be dated February lst, A.D. 1526,tobear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum.afterdate, intcrest payable semi-annually, the principal of said bonds to be payable as follows: Twenty One Thousand ($21,000.00)� Dollars on the first day Feb- ruary, A.t: 1946; and Twenty One Thousand ($21,000.00) Dollars on the -first day of -o and including the first day of Feb - February of each and every year thereafter un t 'LLIe 11U.LCLer ior s,x kb) monttis interest then due on kunicipal IWA:A.$ ELL 611t UUU-L(J11 U1 Improvement Bond, Issue of 1926, No., City Clerk Layor CC ra io �5e--a i Presidtnt,of th� —ify-7ATo—dSc—i i, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorneys be instructed to nroceed with -the validation of said bonds and have same printedand certified; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorneys be instructed to properly advertise in comnliance with law notice that bids will be received by the City Council at such time as notice shall specify for the sale of said bonds. Which resolution was read a first time and by unanimous consent passed to a second reading. Resolution waz,� read 8 second time and by unanimous consent passed to a third and final reading. Said resolution wac read a third ti,,,ie and -oassed' in oren session of the City Council the (pu- day of January, A.D. 1926.