1935-04-27 Opposition to Senate Bill #4181`3
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or %be nerlda Logislaturs whiah dirsolks arA anthowAs" the
State Aufttor or his assistants to samally audit the afflars
and "OOMW of 060h wO O"ry wMi*lpdl*y within the State of
nerldal and diroottv "Id State Audltw to pron4gate Wes
and "C41ations requiring "Id amlelpattles to esUblish
wid ~ uniform spstow of siewunts and "00240 as prowagat
by said State Auditat and to roq"" the -0 08 of xudh
rass end regastions md p"64WIMM p4AM21*4184 tOr th*lV
vislatlons,, aad autbmisbW the 0ove3mor to *MP2,*y Miff l0lent
sddlt4.onaj essistant "Itcas wd uakbW an appropriation ther
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int*"st of the ollklSons and "sidonts, of the Olty of OMeohobee
norldat that the afftirs of said Olty oan be best adwlalstov4
by le"I oltisons instead of a State OPWIftliono and
MSMSO this OMMOU b*110"8 that the *nMUa
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to a useless expenditure and *an be eliminated.
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It IT ?URTMR RNSOLYND that soploo of this
Resolution bo immediately formwd#4 to Honevablo �Irld
ftolls# Govo"oro Honorable Trm. 0. ReftOls PrOVIASAlk Ylortda,
R#pV* o"'IMO
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and Removable William Oriffist Re"0000*41"'.
PASM and ADOM In open session this 27th day
of AP11 j A. D. IM.
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