1933-10-03 Tax Certificates and Bonds� ik�t R E S 0 L U T 1 0 Y BE IT RESOLVED -by the Mlayo2 �_id 01ity. Co-�.incil of tlie City of Okeechobee, Florida, t1lat: o 1.1 6'_ s � 1- - I U- i n �es-�'-' c-ou-oons, o2� Or I J �,, o i a e n I , t ex due obligat ions of said City s,,Pll be receiva"ble at par in t.,-io .1 reda,�i-,.)tion olf' Lprids v.�it-_,An s,.id ;--;,1unJ_ci-p,7..lity for al! tE,x Sales or unpaiC taxes leviod for voE�r 1931 �1._-id L-y c1l -prior yca-rs PROVIDED t'. -.&t -U-!�e taxes leviled by tt*�-�e sa,,Ad- Ci-.,;- of e Circ-,jit Coi,,rt of t, -c Florida, ciiobee) unde2 and by m of vj.1 21st Judicial Circ�3i_t i--. lmd -for Ooi.mt�r FlorjC:&_ --herein e 4- ills the s.-Uid Circ-al.t Io-L:Lrt col-mle-noe said ci.,y to in a i.yianda,�.­kis suit til-lerein sl,all prjid. in czasln. .0 2. BE IT nTRTHER R'.71SOLVED t1'vt the mv'.'-(,,i:k of said Cit -y Oj- CA C -L 1,0 to Okeec1lobee, Florida, is 1�exelb� ��nd d U cl-ncel and satisfy all uni),Ad tax certificates or ot-'Ciez eviaence of tax lien u�-)on 2ecci,,A 9,-,d doliircr-�,- by t-'qe delinquent taxp,-.ver -�-o v U tu.'Llle said Clerk of c.n ecuivalent E-7-iount of bonds) C�)131i-llol`ent ir.terest COUT)"Di-Is Or ot1"'Ler J*ae or -oast (').Ue obligations Of srid City of Ok-­,c, chobee, vr'.1ion eQuivalent ai-.iount of bo -_,-ds, I--, elizicuelit int-erest cou-oons or other obligations a.s aforesaid, s', ­'ll "z')e received, accented End held "or the proper custodian in excliance of +.*,-,.C- call— cellation, satisfaction or surrender of tiio tax certificttes or other evidences of tex lien f;Or Which +"Ae 6"7''LIC Was received and accented) End such bonds iritor- st coupo'ns or Ot_7.-,.er due or -oc,st due obligations of srid City -for a 11 theTee.f"ter "be '�-ielU' Co- sti-t1l.te &!�,�Se+ C-�:' p,j,' ­,jj,jCj,).:l -V it 3. A con-Dlete record of �,11 suc'.1 'Oonds, interest couDons �-nd ot'her evidences of debt tair-en unde2 t -t --As resolution be, kept by the custodian nereinat"ter ar)­)ointed by said City Council, �_7z,nd said bonds, interest coupons Pnr�, ot'-.er evidences of debt, so telllen and held, shall constitute 'vn asset in truct t*j'ie-_,,eof for tli-�.e use 0 r and benefit of tl-�,e City of Okeec'-obee-, Floricip, 4. Be it f"'arther resolved t�-,.Pt no bowls or otbpr o'olioptions Of the said City 0' Okeechobee, Flori('a, Ehall be acce,,,)ted as here– 'V_ in provided, unless ;?,rid until t' e ta.xec� fdf the current y-a.r of Jjxx 1932 chall have been -paid in cash. 5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that R, is hereby designated as custodiaTi, of saiet bonds, interest coupons C and other evi-fellcer of indebtedness, who keen and hold -t',',,;e same for the account of the paxtieF in interest. PASSED in Te,:Iular open ses�-ion this the dsy of October, A. D. 1933. Attest: V k -City Clerk. Councilmen. F, F= — Vow NVA MON Acting MATOR.