1935-08-23 Bonds to Eagle Bay Sub-Drainage51 *mu*t t 44 Do 19"o r-7 4 = I - r4t 7 7 ���-53 -0 .7� 7 " lgx A M PIR (I r_� till E (IMA"I'M n, MI: a W-1-TIr-MITT! TMFIR=1117 T-4 viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pliq 1pn=. , 71 *ill, Esma Roselutient entered into on OVISMOnt with TMotees of the 14W19 3�W Oubo-Draimp Distriat an the 31st &W of Oeftbory A* D* 1934, whersta It was agwood that the said, 01ty of oto#ebotpw would sell twm*yp#-f1" bonds ot the W,e Day ftb-dMdW*e Distrist to "emnstruation Finance Oormrationo Its agontel, or to "Ad Tluatees, of said XiwIe fty Oub.-Drainao Distriot for the on of 50 flat,, and lit A, 'L aim" ; 1 .11 1 1111111111 WE �T 777; , xows MeRm"".2 'it TT qvTvT,,v" that the city or 01*00babselo nftids* hereby O"s to 66111 *moter,* assign md 4oliver the said bend#,, to -I 25 bmwdo of th4 XWo Do &&bwIm&r,* D1~0 of tho i*x value at #23%M0*001 080h Of said bmWs bstrq In 49nominaftm of z)IOOM900 aM b4lng a Pat of an toque of bonds In the tow Ow *f n0000000,00ii ft"d Xty It 192?* and beerlr4,� iMS"SO *t the ratS Of 6% PDX ammo to fte To ftiffloo " 144ntv for TWWUSS Of Wdd XWO fty sobwassinev Districts for the mm of 54, fUts ** flo"0*009 PRMM 110MOM that this AgWOOMOnt OWX Aet bt b1rAbW M1964 tbo holders of the rwalftb* boMes awe=tlrW� to M*000*00* SMU., sell their bando for the W= of 9% 11W)o the WNW" of IUM bomft shall "081" a WM 1A MXQ#64 Of 5% fla$# *bon# in the* smto the taid City of OksSeMboot norida, *holl raosive a like awftlk; 1t being expressly jz'�'III f,P; 7