1923-03 Conners' HighwayUpon motion by Counolklman Adams seconded by Counoiliaii-l"74 -'Hampton the'*f011owing resolution was adopted., RESOLUTION WHE REA 8 Mr. W. J. Conners of Palm Beach, Fla. and'� Buffalo., N. Y. is planning the construction of a paved,road from West., Paim 'Beach to Lake Okeechobee and around the (last, shore of said lake to Okeechobee City; and whereas the'said W.:J.. Ccnner4,,*-has procured an o tion on a large acreage of land in a around,lthe,.,oity of Okeechobee., and that if said option is'e'xer— oised, it is his intention to use every ef:tort to iniorebis6 the population of Okeechobee and'make it the-best-oommerical oi-t Y in South Florida, and4hereas he has expressed a desire to oo— operate with the officials of the city and oagnty and the citizer�i- 1�-of the community --to t'liat end; and in order to show oiir appiediation bf,his efforts,,and our confidence in him and his contemplated improvemepts: BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and the City Oounc*il*that we assure Mr. Conners of our hearty support and co­�operation, help,,, aid and aselifance in every way that.we can to carry out his plans. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City' Clerk b -e oTdered 'to Present Mr. Connors with & copy of this repolution.- F. W. HazKpton Approved this 27th day' of March A. D. 1923 Th0q. W. Conely, Jr., Mayor. Warrants were ardered'issued for the following bills: INTEREST & SINKING PAVING BOND FUND 5-2 Bank of Okeechobee ' In payment of interest due 4-1-23 21400.00 INT ERE ST & SINKING'WATER WORKS BOND FUND 6-2 Bank of Okeechobee In payment 'of interest ,i-ue 4-1-2� 1,200.00 ifit. & prin. 6-3 1&$ Water -Sewer Time Warrant Fund Funds borrowed to pa, y/ 600.00 INTEREST & SINKING SEWER BOND FUND 7-1 Bank of Oieechobee In payment of interest due 4-1-23 150-00 7-2 I&S Street Paving Bond Fund Funds borrowed to pay int. 150-00 int.and �rincipal 7-3 I&S Water -Sewer Time Warrant Fund Funds borrowed to pa 900 000 INTEREST & SINKING PAVING TIME WARRANT FUND 8-1 Bank of Okeechobee n payment of interest due 4-1-23 11�90.00 INTEREST & S.INKING WATER -SEWER TIME WARRANT FUND 9-1 'Bank of Okeechobee In payment of interest due 4-1-23 1,050-00 1 ' on Water -Sewer Time Warrants, - 9-2 Bank of okee6hobee In 'payment of principal due 4-1-2 3.,000,.00 STREET PAVING LIEN FUND 1 on Street Paving'TirAe Wirrants 10-1 Bant of' .,Okeechobee In payment of principal due 4-1-23/. 5sOOO-0O Uponomotion duly seconded and carried the Council adjoux- ned,