1921-17 Time Warrants13
161� d, Im �
WhbRI&ASI u appears uu ui.e Ci-�v C%-0u_.QJL! iAiat uILe isala ot Lhe
City ,± ux-eechobee -c-S im e rage T.-'LLe Warranis 't;o 16he
BaniL vi 0_�eochuoee, a� k�ar plus accrued intereysilu, at priyate saie do a s
jiuz weet 'urie appruva! �,i tLe B.-na A6,6oruey in u'llav'i-t, Spay Lot, be legal.
ThsRhiruR?"� HE i,!� AhSO.LVt;I) 1�� bi.Le reso-,
Ja.J.-n iiereiuuiure
adopLed �,,.0 �,ue �,UWi day v± Aoj)* a6vjard.-,_-,6 vile rVale V. -I -;.U,e
Water-SGwefage Time Warrauts ut $,bUr'.6010-60 to �Lte Rau.' oi 0.4'i'.ecohobee,
aT, par amu accruea in.-�,erest!, accurdirg Ao -heii- bid submitted on that
date be ana, �Uie Batue Ils 'I;ereb�t rescinded aric! ,'-e said Lid I c;t Uha BaLk
is -�ereby rejected.
U.Leeci-iobe6 L
OL ri,otioll it C�;uncilmaii H. 0. Adm;�_a secunded by Uom.,�Aljau
�",Ld' ivi-iowing vote; on
6. Utt V i s vi.Le mijvve re6_-I L, _..0 was adupted by
roil cal -1: W. T. G%�JocLul ya�6,
E. C. Ada.�,s yea,
0. 0. Davis, y6a,
S. U.,-.Lderhill, Yeal liont YUIAak,
T-LL6 Resolution was declarea -autuiiLuasly passed.
Thr* ioilowiag R6soluluioja waB ir,'Uroduced _Ly Cou.�.cilwau H. C. A�LarLa:
�hat the Clarx, oi " he Co"cil is hereby instructed to advertise in tiR
Okefichubee Vows, a newspaper published wee- ly J , � 'ie 0- t� aa Co aiiioy
A. L I] C, i L V U
o:t OlLeechobee, Florida ;Lor bids ior -(iliie purchase of Ci -t,., 0± 01-.eechubee
Water -Sewerage �bO,0100-00 TJL.,e Warranipis #jo be bLeld at 10 o I clociL
Monda.y, kiaxc'.., 41/4.1h, 1�24, xtsservi-ig �he x-jKl j, luu r9kiect any arl, a-
A.A Ii U -1 bids*'
On --motion of Co-�,_ricilmaii H-,. C. Au--ai"s. aecondea '0y 0Q�UjCi7j,,a,,
J_ j. S. U--erhill
tlie ubove Resolu tion was adoplUieu by tnG foilowiLig vote on sioll cali*.
01. T'. Gcwdev Yea,
ii. C. Adaths, Yea,
0. C)-. Davis, Yroa,
S. Uaderhill, yeal vu,ille Na�,.
11 �,11 e
Tiia Rrj'SUlaLIo.4,i was declarea passed.
011-motiolu i�t Coulicilruam H. C. A.�,amsv 06con
the CoLaicil adjuuriiedo de Ck C pilma4 0. 0. Davis,
Tit, "VI Kuricil,
T'he fo'!Iowin.�3 re-olution was, on motion of Cou-,,;cilzran 0. 0- Davis,
seconded by Councilman F. C. 21.uams, unanimously. L'dopted:
AMRBAS at th.ds s-,_)ecil-_��! r,,_eetin, o -_F the City Council, held for the
purpose of recoiviri,� 1---nd considering bids -for the sale and purchase of
City o -IL' Okeechobee -),';'o,000.00 v.A (-,r-13 ewer Tire Warrants, and whereas
4 f7.
there w,, --.Ls unly one b.Ld received for th -n chase thereof, that of :the
P,ntnk of Cheechobee, at itz plus accrued Xrest to dcAe of sa-le
TF'T.MrI0R'E' BF,,,'oIT R7,-.C)IJFD, thfit the bid of the Panl-, of 01�eechobee
for the i'llurclaasc of said tirre wu_rrI-nts, at par p3us accrued interest, be
and the same is hereby accerted, and theYayor, President of the City
Council and City Clrx are hereby directed to sign, sea]. and deliver tne
said Time Warrants to the purchaser thereof''hpon-the payLiOnt of the
purchase price and accrued interestri and to deposit the same in the City
Depository os heretofore named. The ambunt being as f0110WS:
Principal, e'30,000.vU
Interest, 1,0:46.69
A roll call was then taken and stood is follows: -
V1. T. Goode , Yea,
0. 0. Davis, 'Yea,
J.'s. Undc. rhil 1, Yea,
F. C. Adams, Yea,
R.F.McLaugiilin, Yea. Bone votiLS I -Tay
T 4e forejzuii.,,,,, resolution w�,,s then deciared passed.
On motion i-.,adc by Councilman E. 0. Ada" ms, seconded by Councilman
R. Y aughlin, t-- Couricil vdjourjcLed.
W. T. Good6
-A A-8 1/11
ATTEST! A� We ident of Cuwicil