1921-19 Time Warrants�_e r j. a a,
6.1 e c c Lio be G V1&Unhjork.,-, and SeNjerage
1 r t h. c U9000.0c Cit� - C! P
�CVOZI __I)er cenu t-i7:,o wL-1,rr,-.�,-rits "we i�,,ill pav ��ou the sum o_f -�?30"C)Qo w
L V a
Tilir'U-7-, Thoi:,s,Ird. doll'ars, plus accrued interest to date.-- You to''furniski
us i-ith the u-nrov�_1 of cs,.Imc bund. attorno�j- of national re-)utation, as to
_LG�.t�.Iity Of tr�� ,,jthoat coF,.-Lu to us.
'� -7 , — rayable to !,VT.(;'roode
S h i e, r s Ch e c i -I f o r - 0 0 0 . 0 G rn -,Ib
F r c i CL n t o f C i t C o u n c i I i e n c I o s o d iierewith as evidence,,Qf ood
P� Ux ig
'kink of Okeechobee', Okeechobee, F la. I
Per Iv". R". Gary, Cashier."
Tae following resolution was, on motion ' of Councilnan 0. 0. "Davis,
seconded by Councilman F.' 01/. Adarias, unanimoasly', p-dopted-
71`�THEREAS at this r.r.ectin'(1- of the City Cp'uncil, held for�'the
purpose of racnivinC�- nd considerine, bids for the, sale P;-nd' purc'hrAse of
Cit�)7 of 01�eechobee '�')30,000.00 Wfat e r-3 ewer Tir�e Warra�ntg', and whereas
t1hore �w?s only one bid received for the nurcha'se thereof-, that of the
P, � nk of Olkee chobGe , at ptz r plus accrued .'! niere st to date' of: sale
TYMME,PORE, T3E,I'JT REI�_`�OLVFDt that the bid of the Pank, of Okeechobee
for the purchase of said tirre at par plus accrued interest, be
4zInd the same is hereby acce-pted, and tho 1.&y'or, President of,the City
""ouncil and City Clerk are �ereby directed to sign, seeal and"deliver the
s..-Iiu Time Warrants to the purchaser thereof '�iipon' the ,� payrient of the
purchase price and accrued inter6st;- -arid to'deposit the same -,in the City
Depository as heretofore named. The ambunt'being as follows:
Principal, �30,000.00
Interest, l'OE6.69
A roll call was then taken and stoud a
W. T. Goode , 'Yea,
0. 0. D, -,.vis . Yea,
J.S Underhill, Yea,
C. Adarfi�7, yea,
R.1111.hclaughlin, Ye�,. Bune voting ray.'
Tile forepui"p_ resolution was
Oi� L-ade b�
4 hen
declared passed.
Cuuncilmen 9. 0. secon66d
ilu U L&Lik.; a JVUXIIUU.
W. T. Goo
e r
by 06urcilrr'an
esident of Uu un -ci 1