1921-18 Sewersi 14., R E S 0 L T 0 V ABOPTIVO SEWERAGE 1EPROM'i-i�,14T-LIE1� PORM. The following resolution was introduced by Couxicilman. H. a �daLi�s, seconded b�y Cuuiiuilwau R. E. LuLaug�llili for uile�purpuse uf adopti"g -the form oi: Sewerage IjLpruveiiien� Lien: L WHEREAS -6he City Council ui lihe CiL,�i of O.Ik�..edtuobee ,as by ordinance duly passed, authorized lutie levyin6 Ct Sewerage Impruvement liens fur the purpose ol securijut, vue payiiieii-�, zl 6ne-.hira ct uje atuou.L.L't, uharge- able agaiiist the abuTziiig 1,ruperty upui, certaiil alieyways, avenues, ana streets or -parts uliereui, aiia whereas i-6 is necessary iur the Ci-UY J,je.Cl 4 Uri,,, Council to adopt a Seweraee Impruveriiei�'u -'�Iherefore be it resolved unat the s&id Sewe rage li,,provemen-k, Lien Form* Alall be in sub8t&n-U'iaiiy ine iollowiiir� Jiurw: I I �# SEWERA(f 11WROVELEINT LlA.N S TATE OF #XORIDA COUN.VY tF UJiEECHOBEB CITY OF UEEECHOBEE To Owner: IPROVFLiE14T LIM, issuea unis _ day. ot THIS SEWERAGE 1b, L A. D. 1�?.I, b�y �Lie UJJL�.v of O-,,(,,(,uL.Luuee, a iminicipai Corpu ration Lj± 'blie State ut Florida,, in tne C,�un-uy �A 0.911eechubee, "der ' idie prLvisiuils ,i Secti'on 2�� oi a Special AcA, v± -uhe Lc;6isiazuve ut the said SL,Uute 0± ' Florida 9 beiiig ChapAr SbI6 cA the AcIls u± ivl�) Empuweriiig luile Ci'6y ci Okeechobee to Construct Sewers una I)rains Wi�hiii Said City; to Assoss Abutting Owners fur Vart �­J: une Cuslt, va: Suoii 1i,-,provements, and. to Enforce julle Co -i -lection cot Such Cost and urdinailee duJiy passed, agai,rist the following real estate, aotuated in said Ciuy ui 0-'-eechubee, tu-wit: ACCO IINIG TO (211E RECORDED Plat uhereut, recurdea amunb uhe public records ui said 0-aechobee Couiii,�/, in 6ne suL,� ,I Dollars WITNESSETh. WBEREASf Lie salu Cit -y of Oxldechuuee hab causea uv- be iiade un Ailevwa�,, uetweec.L 6treet al -id Street. Vue fo_Lluwi��t, i1j;jjr Uvell., fall t" -UU-vvj_-U:- TLtj consbrucZ1011 �o:t a systew v± sevierage as auuve set iurufl, allu the said improvewen� ilavii&- beeti aoiriplezou, end due i,utioe vt -L;he cus-t, thereoi, and of tue intenbion L�-i saiLL CJL.� 0i 0_r_eC(jnUbee 'uu claaiui Iien iur' L. -Lie Oust uriere,,:L h&vij:i�- -I- beeii -Iubii,_2!b�ed anu servea accordiiiL; lvu- la1g, �_ud -une Counc;ij- V, I, &L,,iU Ciu� cw-jl_ (.XLe(--.�Uhobee on u iae daJ7 0 t D. i'VL!, -pursu,..i-iu uo suid t)ublica Uorl hild 110ticke lia'vitI6 ii,et L�.uu cui1sidered all ubi-ections vjiei, presented 76u tiaai.,i, and ai-uer L:Lue cons ideraz ion uriereuj. i.L��ve assessed against.`Wie pru�erty abu-.,tiiit,- uti eauti side u± saia L.-Lieyviay so icfpruved -UrLe legal U, Uj S��iLL �nipruveiiienu, ies8 uxiau purziun one—uhird prupur-6iun Of 10,110 ous- I chargeable to -une Cit�? i):r Ox_-eecnu1DEe..be1iiL,- lron6 iee7u Lit utie _,,uer jruxii, iuu'G, uilf-I .,rUpUrL,10na76e Ullis _,U,en 4pull UrIle layl(Is I.Lereill auedribed -Urie suill of Doi.Lars. YOU WILL TALL� EUTICE, Ti.LaL Wie s&,iu Cit� L�± 01-_(,,eci�ubee, FluricLa, afaresaiu, LLues iiereby fix anu Clalw �� �L_LE;il U001i 10LIC aa:uresa.1a descricau lands, ior lu'aq� afures,�;6ia vne-tuira. custs ui Sevieruge iupruvwfienius a -B assessea Xy p4iii CiLy Cuu-noil, irioluaiue, ut une r�i-be ut 6�� per annusi, from dzLie hereut t�,nd all expeases uf iLoreolusuxe, it s��rfie io foreblosed: Tica-t the said amouut ot 'this Sevverage Improvement liel-i -ben equal annuaj inst;,�-.Ilraerits uf une-luenth each anu shall be paid in U ever? y!qar until paid with* inteT�est 'vhs;eon. at, 'LL'le rate ut 8% per annuiii, Provided that the first instaiiweu-tv- vi shai-L Ue due ariLi oay- able on the date that tnts So4erage ILIpruvement Lien is made, and trie other nine -tenths shall be :i3e and tj UL pavubie vne-ninth each aYla every year after date hereof t4i*Lil fully aid, or -6ne same may be paid ku 'Lull at any time with interest a a alorYsaid irow "ate of 5aia liea. Tilat upon the failure ot Lhe uwnsr or persun iiable for 6he payr4ent of 6his Sewerage Impruvew,,:,,�,I�u IJ L o 'vo pay any iristallmeniv after I the saine becomes aue fur �)O days iae waui-e amuui�,, %�i_ viiis iiell shall become due aria payable arid B -Lia -Li be iureciusecc 1*�.'.ncl uLle saiu lands uuid to saliaiv 'uhe same accuraiiic� u- -Law. Ih WIT14ESS WHEMEUF, Ti -a saiu Cit,. -Y .,.L o,uucnubee liaitrj. caused -6u be executed b�y i's zayur an - I! these presents LL Fresident, u± its Coun,611, ana its cov.Loraze *06al .'Lu be iiere an ,u anLixe'd" anu. Lile same -ILI S C U attdeted,by i lerl�:, 1�6- "Y-4--nd 5�ear lirst aboye writteLd' kayor of said CJL�,v of O.,aecnobee. Fresiaeiiu cj± Council ut said Qii,�y oi Oi,�eechubee. A Clerx of said CiL,�7 071 Oe-eecwoee,. ,STATE OF FLORIDA SS. OkMCHOBETi" COU111'Y 2ersonalioy*appeared before Lue ay Q r Presid.env �;J. ULe CuuiQ11, Und L;-Lc.rz, c;i uae Ciuy ol Oj�.aechouee, whu, oeing dLly swurn*,# say LP-aT, une Ikets' se.Vur�ii 1--n*,,ihe above Sewe.rae,,e lmpToveweiit Liea are -Lfte * ail particui, 41 tw Ulle tutu! amo"-v oi .Do -L -Lars Is justly an�L Lulpgid;� a.UL-L iiereb�t achziowledge uiie above iieLi was q5teduted ior the purposes -(,hereiii expressed, anu pray that, Lhe sam4l may be. dgl�/ rec orded. -c ac L)i O—ueciiuuee. Pxesiacnk. of une Ci-luy Ciouvlull 'he ci�,7� L'T of U U.,e e a hu be e *TTEST: 0 eechubee'. Sworil Au -o and t3ubscribed beture n,e -Ulai-8 LLCV U A.D. 4 U] 4 ""r- "777",7 �99,�4 'Lurch 14, IV24. cl e'd b�( ,PAvj,s, -6hat uhe wsm - fLade b� 'ii 0. d�ms, secon Clark- al.L6. City Bligine4r be mtt'Lurizdd L a er must, suitab-Le giubos f or �he ceinter �A Lhe"stree-L-pyramids, uiqu was iarliLuuus. FurnilWre Cu '6 biil for,azree-u tixtures was The Okeechobee Hardware- ap,prQyed ior payi.,en,t.- Cler4 6allod City coun,cills atterjluj�lu o 'viie Gt' ad-O-ertising city taxes jj 11�2�,-, but� p?.1,- an(t clusing his buo.&* wom on Apri was' reques�ed 'to' leave #hew open for �suuie ujuie longer. 0" movi I ual'sduly wade and'secunded the CO ici j U 1111he 0. ATTEST: A A MR I 77residenij mi Co city Clerk - 7 Olt".