1921-16 Sale of Bond6
WHEREA�S uhe Bariy, um Oleechubee has submittedL a bia '-or 'fie
J. L. purchase
ot tje Water-36wer Time WarraLts ' ot 'vioGtOOO-CO ai par anu b�ccrued
interes't, uu dato ��i %-Ielivery, under t-f.Le condition that 'U!�e J'uads
realizea from -Le sale be deposited in eai�i Bank, which is the pres'ent
dep�osi'4'.ury ior iurids ul Lhe Oi-oy ox 0_`,eechobee.
THEMEFORE, be it resulved that the bid oi 'the Raat:. ot O_eeci2obee be
Tile above resoiulu-iun was made by Councilman 0. U. j)avis afid secouded
by Councilwaii H. �,. Adaiiis axia iassea bg ,he iollowing vote:
W. T. Gvoae, lba; C. v. j)ayia, Y�,-a; H. 0. Adams, Yea; R. E. kulauEIdin.
Yo a; Pc�lie V"''Vea EL -q.
Aii bij---L's Uue were urderea paia.
ji.,otion was ;IAade Juy h., U. Auatius that (,he CL -Ly Counuil re.-iect 'Vhe bid L;i
r;r. Bras6 ior biuiidijae,* -U'ui_,j. �.yramids on ILZ��rTh ai.,CL Souvri Par.L S-�reets.
Suconded oy R. E. carrieu Wiall1ii;vUsly.
011 motion r,,ade "627 F. �;. Adams arid secuidea
Oju,-y Council ad`ourue�L tiIIJanuary 61, 1,v24
ivio-cion Uarx-ieu "L,am1r1!QLL8_Ly.
'oy 7.
a -r, ifie u8-ual LLouro
.P�cfdsiaenlf oi Ci-tly Coauci!
VhL-IREAS zhe Bank U± ckeecaobee has subujitted a bid iur 'the 1,urchas
a-�, par and
u U -ierage Tiwe Warran's ui
Walpr wori,_s anu. Set I to the
U - di _`� 0 n "na-t
aocrueCL InTeresv, 6u daie oi delivery, t4fider bhe cull
iulads realized irull, ulle saie be depusited in saiu' Bank, r1l1ich is the
',e deposited
present, depusi-u0r�' IU -L Qi uiie City 0,.eechubee, U
therein. - - 0 icL %,I Uue Batilt %)I: O..eeellooee be
Thi,',2REFOR'11!', IT dL�3OL"Th;D "nat V_
t),,, r.otion i"ude by C�,Uncillharl ()- (-)- Davis, anu tsecu.-deCL by COUnCilLhall
E. C. At'&ajj.,s, u,.Le auuve Resuju-.iojj was naupted 'by ine 1OJ-__Uwii19 vule:
W. T. Gv_de, Yea'; C. u. Davis, 'Yba; G. Aaamat Y6a;
Yt,a. 1�cxje iotiiir:, Vu,�Y. (�.z3.u..Leruiil was tI)ser"i Irch" (1,.ouncil, Veing
pu� O.L -kouvin)
0 LU' " 4 CL
Oia L.0tiun 6eijilg UU'J-Y 4.aae Z�_-il�x 8 e c 0 ride CL tj fie C! adj �A
esideau �1: