1921-15 Payments to Maulei,
Ou n,ozivri oi Counciii-imn H. C. Adaws, 8ecunded by C;.;ufleilmarl J. S.
Ui.,derhiii, tuiie iuj.-t'owixq5 resulu'uiun was aduptecL:
WILFREAS T,,G Pavijcie O.mpafly 4as requestea ,-t,e C'ity ot Ox�eechobee
-Ly Sireet Favint, WorE- 46fle
'�La 6 'u better vnar)ie Liell. �u carry c�n rie C i
C I y Cvuricil -i-.-ak'Le ana I;ay bsiituabes V --u vue street, pavirLK twice eacn
hiuntn iiisteau onue, Z41ILL Wriureas, '.ae saia Ci-vy wishes -tu do ail in
Its power tu ass-L6T, in ZdLe 1�rugresw ,:L LU -e S'Llreet raviag,
THBREFORE B,-,,' IT R-ESULVED, -�Lat, L,-L.Le Ciiy oi O.eechubee,.Flori.6a agrees
Lu pay Iviic, maule PtiviiAg CcuijaEy as-uimate v" JaiAuary 17th, and all
�0111er estimu'Les as Uue Lhem �'rl Une second aiia -Last Tuesdays cf each
;-3nth iur utie v�7vri,-- ��ts per estima-tes, and the Clu'y 1,,,.Lgineer is hereby
iiistructed 'vc) iuriiish estiwates accurcti"�,Iv.
Tlhe ivret--�ulin,, Rusula-kJon was adupted 'by ipiie LullowiL6 urianjALUUS
vote: P-'-Uode' Yea, R.?,'.Jl' cLa,6Ldin, Yea; o. S. Ujider-11ii-j-, Yva;
',!.. C). Yija; T -I. C. yt�a. V�Iie vu,fj-rlk- Ba�y.
U—` #LU -U 1UrJ �; I U�o WWI IlAiall U . U - 1JUNJ 8 , U e CU "QU U id.V U�, UXiri I.L[silin
'Une iUj.LUWi"b "ResoluiiUl, was ac - Lopovea:
WEEREAS ' Ti.e agreemea-u ii1ea in ;jscrow -�o-geiher vviuu -W-Ae
Street Pavii,.r- Tire Warrarits -6u ue paid uul, as ltiie wurx progressed,
I aving been surrejaaGred by vxitj kaula Pavint, "mmany to lone C4- y ui
L tP
"d`by 'viie said
0;,eeoriubee, atid -uhe sala Time Narraii�,s iiay.LLI., Oeell 801 -
lv.ttu.L,8 Pavi."b cofupa"3! 4�xj(x Barly, ui' W,-eechuoee wiaer -�uu&,urit�, ot ,-Le,
Cit,,y', aiiu L—e sum vi L-av ing bee - plausa tu -uhe Qreait of
said'City in Wie C.L'"L-ly Depus-k..',cry tk� De ibecL 'Llu pa� icr ,Lie saiu Utreet
TbE'RRFUa BE IT Rr,.SOIV-sD, L,..e ubvve sucreuaer ui escrvW be
accepteu allu . �e deposi-6ed iu L,..e Ci -Ly Depostiury in lieu
L' ereot be aau trie baiije is hereby accepiea aiia agrees 6o ay u -
6=411'1�under ,"-(3 eomxact wi-u-L -U-"e Laule Favi�ug Company as ui,e vvv-rl'L pru6r-
esses ap per kmid curitract. TkAe iure�:uin6 Rtsulution was adop'Ved
Unabirfi(jusly by iuilowiii� -vote: W.T.Gvude, 'Yba,