1921-14 Time WarrantsRESOLUTIUR R6zofved, by lui.Le City- CL)"4iii J�---L Ci�y o3: O.&LeeoJhcbee-- rlorida, LUly assembled in �-eeti-u6,- tila� made by %file CiLy/ Eiagiueer, -ILur wur.L uoue �,n �"a Uivy Sitlreets contract, by iaai.cle J�aving Company, aiia numbered VQI.JL ior Ij-"e r�untLl of December, A.D. La aiia bauie is hereby apprvved, and vhe Chairman Qj ��Ie Ciu�j Cpunci-L is ijereb�� (Ureulted Ivu sigu and deliver a copy ut this resuiu*tivu, uuly attested by V�ue City Clery,, uuder seal, 1,he %;i:ie BAbL OF 0iEEChQ!ZE, ,he LLIders vt the Street -Paving Time Warrants, anu which shaL�t be authurit.N -L:vr foheai .' -6o deliver I$he faAULE PA:VIUG COkPANY, Time Warrants -tou uhe -azuunk-0 �;t 46,000-C)O, -1wakine rece�', pt 'Uh6refur. The said Time Warran'us are 'uo be delivered wiLh coupons, no,� already remuved, a-ctackied iV luhei,� an, 'which amuLUnt4s -00 be considered Lu u-I.Le above amuu.�,� -6u be de-L.-Lvered. The ainotuit abuve -Vo be uue iace vaiae i Le Li,iereo± withouiv reference une cvc& W. 9;,%,c�de SEAL CLair�.an Qluy CQuncil A'Ubest: W 111. D ui.L 11 i u C.7L,'uy CJ-erz-. 0,u motiou V,.L R. E. kuLau6ulJLU, aecunded 'uy S. Uiidierhill, (�he Coulicii unanimuus-L�l auOuurnea. AL'koest: C i -u'.v C I a r z, lycesiaerit i��3: Couiicil r