1921-13 Time WarrantsRa a u 1 ulu- i o n
The Iollowing xesu-Lu,6ioxi was kj�--Tx"uced 'Loy C�,-. xi.LL�an R. zv,�au6l,11/
Lid S�conded by Coutteiifijan 0. M DU'Zvis:
RESWIVED I That lviie CiGy C-ierIL be and is h6reby Instructed
�;,e 04 L,;y Q �
to proceed Witou reaavertiaiiig L I Oiceec"tiobee, Florida Wa-Wr-
Sawer Time Warrants ior saie �,.0 Jaauary Iv, A.D. 1�z;! at ivhe 11OUr
.:�'L p.i.. iii uue CIL-�y Ha---LJ.-
'It is iurther resuiyed ti.Lat, 6iAe &dyer t'Piaeulanlife be placed. wi-W
tLe Okeechobee News and vLc Pzna Buyer.
A vulue was "Llaken on the -Lureguing Resolution which resulted as
W. -T. Gvodep y6a
0. 0. Davis, YGa'
J. S. Miderilill,Yea
R. E. McLau6hlia, Y6a
Porle vutedFiLy.
TiAe Ra8olulkfiuxi was declareu- passed "animuusly,, 'Lohis 2� UL day ul
&,v6rfjbe r
W. W. D,"iiacli.-Lt, Ci-uy C16rk.
This is Ito certify tuau I ha -*e 1,osted Lu �Wiree p -Laces, viz
TLe Post Oi'Lice buildixi6 o4L the docr oi -.,he CL.Lai.Ldler Market, on 'w.Le
front duor ox T,,6 Oi�,oachvbee Supply anu c�n 01ji.6 liront, door oi u -"e
Ciuy Hall, ail iz)i uue '#Juwri oi O.'r-eechobee, Flcxida, OrdinarAce Vu. L.'Ob
and JLepit, same POS to e CL �aik4il Decemijer 26, 1�22.
C-iL 'vy C-LerA.
Oa motiun L�t 0.1 U. Da-�is, aecuncLed by J. S. U4,derhill tne iolloWijuK
bills covered L�( V4�,.ohers Bos. lb� ama 1�0 �ot vile GtLLeral Fuiia a."4
lV29 1�6 aria 194 ut U'Le Pavii-.L5 F"., -d. were iziraered paid.