1921-01 Time WarrantsCouncil of the Citl- of Okeechobee, and that they have r�cejved the foregoing notice 0 f a Special Meeting of the Citv Councrlbf tile City of Okeechobee, Florida, as therein specified,, and that they have appeared in response thereto for the purpose of attending the said meeting and for the purposes therein named. W. T. Goode 0. 0. Davis J. S. Underhill R. E. McLaughlin H. C. Adams Sworn to and subscribed betore me this the 21st. day of March, A. D. 1921. (SEAL) All councilmen being present. D. E. Austin, Mayor, Geo. F. Parker, City Attorney, W. W. Dunnicliff, City Clerk Also present at this meeting. The Council was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. The following resolution was offered by Councilman R. E. Me- A Laughlin, seconded by Councilman 0. 0. Davis; The vote stood as follows: W. T. Goode, Yea 0. 0. Davis Yea J. S. Underhill, Yd -a' R. E. McLaughlin, Yea H. C. Adams, Yea None voted Nay. The following Res ,olution carried unanimously: RESOLUTION. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY Council of Okeechobee, Okeechobee County, Florida, to issue interest bearing Time Warrants, for the purpose of Paving, 11acadam- izing or otherwise improving certain Avenues, Streets or parts thereof of the City of Okeechobee, The amount thereof, and the sale of the same, the rate of 1nterest and the Time and place of lbaympnt--,of-the principal and interest, and to provide for a sufficient tax levy annually for the purpose of providing a fund for the payment of the principal and interest as they may become due and payable as authorized under chapter 8320, Acts o; the legislature at its session,- A. D. 1919. Be It RESOLVED BY Ta MAYOR ADD CITY COUNCIL OF 'TH-7 CITY OF 0 n� 7, C HO P R E ., 141ORIDA COUNTY, FLORIDA. Section 1:-- The Mayor and the City Council of the City of Okeechobee Florida -s of law and this reaolut, subject to the provision N are herQby authoriz.ed to issue interest bearing Tir,-,e Warrants of said City under the seal of said Corporation, in the sum of Forty-three Thousand Dollars, ($43,,000.00), for the purpose of paving, macadami- I i zing or otherwise improving certain avenues, streets or parts thereof it of the said City of Okeechobee County, State of Florida, as authorized under Chapter 8320 of the Acts of the Legislature at its session A. D. 1919; said certain avenues, streets or parts tLereof being described as follows, to -wit: 4-v North Park Street from West City limits to East City limits; South Park Street from Parrott Avenue to Osceola Street; 4 Osceola Street from Tenth Street ti Petit Street; Hiepochee Street from North Park Street to Seventh Street; Miamee Street from Seventh Street to Eighth Street; Miamee Street from South Street to Sixth btreet, South Okeechobee Subdivision; W_ Kissimmee Street from Borth Park Street to South Park Street; - Kissimmee Street from First Street to Second Street; Parrott Avenue from Uorth City lirits to South City liuits; Second Street from Parrott Avenue to Kissimmee Street; Seventh Street from Okeechobee Avenue to Riwassee Street; Hancock Street from Borth Park Street to South end of E. R. Wright's Addition; Tenth Avenue from Osceola Street to Parrott Avenue; Ei?hth Street from Osceola Street to Cherokee Stre,..t; Sixtk., Street 1'rom Parrott Avenue to Hiwassee Strect; Fifth Avenue from Osceola Street to Hiwassee Street; Petit Street from Osceola Street to Okeechobee Avenue; Okeechobee Avenue from Eighth Street to So-ath City limit; County road from Okeechobee Avenue to West City limits. Section 2:-- Said Time Warrants to be signed by the Mayor, counter- signed by the President of the City Council, and attes�ed b y t ne Clerk of said Cit,_� with the seul thereof affixed, and with interest coupons attached signed in like manner, with the facsimile signature thereof lithographed thereon. Section3:-- The amount of said Time Warrants shall be Forty-three Thousand Dollars 043,000.00), dated April lst, A. D. 1921, and shall be in such form as the City Council -shall hereafter adopt, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semiannuallyp Said Time Vlarrants shall be in denominations of �500. Ji 00 each, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the Bank of Okeechobee, Florida,or at the American Exchange National Bank New York City, New York-, at the option of the holder. The prin- cipal of said Time Warrants shall be payable as follows: $5000.00 0 the lst day of April, A.D. 1923 and $5000.00 on the let day of April of each and every year thereafter up to and including the lst day of April, A.D. 1930, and the sum of $3000*00 on the let day of April, A.D. 1931;, shall be numbered from I to 86 inclusive, and be dated on the lst day af April, A. D. 1921. The interest thereon shall be paid on the let day of October, A.D. 1921, and the let day of April and Octoblr ach and everT year thereafterm until fully Paid. Warra ailfTeime o be sold by said City Council after thirty days notice by publication in a newspaper printed within the City of Okeechobee and some money center, to the best bidder, but not for less then 95 cents on the dollar, plus accrued interest, reserving -the right to reject any and all bids, and if not sold..the City Council may cause new notices, and call for bids, to be made in like manner 4, W from time to time until sold. Section 4:-- Said Time Warrants shall be,issued without delay, by the said City Council, and be dated, such date as herein provided. Before the issuance of said Time Warrants the City Council Shall provide by resolution for an interest and sinking fund, for the pay- ment of the principal and interest thereon as the same may become d-ae and payable, by a tax levy upon all the real,and personal property within the Oity of Okeechobee, subject to taxation, of sufficient millage as may be necessary for purposes. That the derositor.,7 hereafter named by resolution shall be the custodian of said funds, and shall pay the same to the redemption of the principal and interest thereof as the same may become due and pay- able according to law. Section 5:-- This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage anq approval by the Mayor. Read a first and second time, and by unanimous consent read a third time, and passed in open session of the Cit:i Council this the 21 st day of March A. D. 19;�l. W. T. Goode President of City Council Attest: W. W. Dunnicliff City Clerk. - Approved this the 21st day of March D. 19,11. _,A. D. E. Austin. Mayor of the City of (SEAL) Okeechobee, Florida. --------------------------------------------- --------------------- The following Ordinance No. 54 was offered by Councilman 0. 0. Davis and seconded by Councilman R. E. YcLaughlin and carried unanimously. The vote stood as followa: W. T. Goode, Yea 0. 0. Davis, Yea J . S. Underhill, Yea R. E. McLaughlin, Yea