1920-16 - Paving, Water & Sewer BondsMotion was made by R. L. Pearde and seconded by 0. R. Brooks that the following Resolution be passed., Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION FOR NOTICE OF SALE OF CITY OF OIL,]ECHOBEE STREET P_;,VITTG, IWATER 'NORKS AND SEWERAGE BONDS. �f Nhereas, There was by an election held i-,iithin "he City of Okeechobee, FloTida, or, the 2*t� Ray of Ppbruar,- U 11 7 A. D. 1�)_90. authori- zed thq iss�iance of �80,000.00 3treet Pavin�-, V�`40,000.,OO Water Workcs, and 45,000.00 Sewerage Bondo, and, Whereas, The City Cou-,,icil did at a Snecial !-Teetinp,, of the said C ouric 11 mi thorize the ismiance of ai-_,�i execution of said boiids, Therefore, Be It resolved, that toe City Clerk of the City of Okeechobee be and he is hereb,-7 instructed to issize the following notice of sale. of said bonds in -the Okeechob-s- a ne,,*isoaper nubli�3hed in the City of Okeechobee, Florida. The Council does not deem it necessary to publish said notice M any other City or money center. i 07 1 -r n � 0 -f�i 0 -,,, -,, r, i ­% -,�' -7, L,,-) T �' 77.1 _L - T"' OF --, J, _: _R :], 2117TI'T '1_171M '101,1,S A,','--,) 30IMS). L- I �r,7 "ouncil of the City of Notice is hereh -riven that thd Cit, �j L, Okeechobee, 'TIorida, receive bids for -the, ourchase of City of Okeechobee Street 2avina-, 'later '-`lorks and 3e,-!erape Bonds, at the City Clerk's office at the lity Hall, corner of South Park. street -aid Parrott Avenue ii�i Okeechobee, Florida, on or before 1 o'clock P.11r. the 29th daT7 of May, A. D. 19,20. The amoiint of sqid Street Paving Bonds to be sold is �80,000.00 at six ner cent interest payablo somi-anniially, said' bonds to be in Jenominations of "'d"500-00 each. Bonds shall bear the f IF- % 161 date of April lst A. D. 1920. The time when when the principal Phall be due and payable la as followst' y-�,,000.00 on April 1, A. D. 1940, a Q8,000.00 everj year therqa-fter to and including April Ist A. D. The amount of said IVater 'Jorks Bon�.s to be sold is 040,000.00 at oix oar cent interest nayable semi-annually, said bonds to be in denominations of ;�500-00 each. Bonds shall bear date of April lst, A. D. 1920. TIhe time -,.vhen the princinal shall be due and payable is as follows: �4,000.00 on Anril 1, A. D. 1940, and �4,000.00 every year thereafter to and includinT. April lst, A. D. 1949. Via amount of said Seiverage BondB to be sold is $5,000.00 at ��ix oar cent interest payable semi-annually, said bonds to be in denominations of �500.00 each. Bonds shall bear date of April lat, A. 71). 1920. The time when the princinal shall be due 'and payable is as follo,,,is: I'5C0.00 on April lst, A. D. 1�;40, &r -,d '2*500.00 every year thereafter to and including April lst, A. D. 1949. Each issue of t�,e above bonds to be consecutively numbered, wit'r, Interest Coupons attached. I�oth interest and nrinciDal oayable at Bank of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, or American Exchange National Bank, New York, N. Y., at the option of the holder. The said City Council of the City of Okeechobee, 21orida, reserves the right to reject any or all bids and may cause a ne�,,i notice to be P-iven in like manner, inviting other bids for said bonds. All bidders for said. bonds shall bid on blanks furnished by -L 'urnish the opinion of said City Council, and said City Council wil" -IL a reliable bond attorney of National re-putation, and will f�Lrnish bonds ready to be delivered within ten days after date of sale. All bids shall be accomDanied b,-,7 a cashier's check withojit conditions, for the sum of made payable to D. R. 11cNeill. President of the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida. a2he bonds to be delivered and naid for 17ithin ten days after date of sale. All bid2 will be ooened and considered at a snecial meeting of the C-Ity Council to be held in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Okoechobee, Florida,. at one o'clock P. I.T. on the 29th day of I -lay, A. D. 19M. D. ,J. Austin Okeechobee, Florida, Llayor. April '30, A. D. 19-20 - ATTEST: D. R. 11cNeill 71. 71. Dunnicliff President of City Council. City Clerk. (City of.Okpechobee Seal) The above resolution was oi, motion of Councilman C. R. Brooks ' seconded by Councilman R. L. Pearce duly'passad in onen session, by the following unanimous vote. -- . D. . R-1,1611ei3--L- President of City Council. R. L. Pearce W. P. Underhill C. R. Brooks 101right Councilmen. ATTEST: 7.- ',,7. Dunnicliff City Clerk.