1920-17 - Street Paving BondsT T (',I �i% , T T 7 -hr L31? �,lr)':) TTT�-, Tr -!TRUOTTO" r)F 30 j !PTO ()TTT-)T., 7 2j, VT71' 1919 STR.111.1T � i. - j , T . -, . Ll' T�T �,,._­D S E' T T �,'TRAGE IjT1r'r4'7) T) OR 3 T -rlT "�OTT723' I TD T 1hereas, the City CO'Cnoil of t he !City of Okeechobee, 1i'lorida, did on the _20th Jay 0-f A'Jay A-., D. 19119 by resolution duly passed, provide for the issuance, by said City, of �1'80.000.00 Street Paving and for L �45.000.00 'later ',.Vorks and �Iewqrage Donds, arl, 'kllhereas, at an election duly cali-,-d, and,held on the 21st day of Jilne A. D. 1919, the afores�-'Iid bond issues vler,- anthoried, and Tv�'rea:,,, ii-, ti'�,,roof, the said bonds -were nrinted, and advertized for sale, but on account of the in the date of -�he issuance of t�e ne.vs paner that the notice of election was oublished i In, therebj causing a fal-Li:re of the sale, and acceptance of sald -bonds and, 7hereas, the said bonds have never been sl�-nqd, and At being the .-desire of the said.City Council, to cancel the said resolution, and also to destroy the said bonds, therefore, Be It Resolved, that all resolutions, ordinances, or parts thereof in connection -�,',rith the said bond.issue, above stated, be and the. same are hereby repealed,.and it is, further, Resalved, that the aforesaid bonds-, be, and ti,,e City Council are hereby instructed, and required to, destroy by burning with fire the said �80.000-00 Street Paving Bonds of 1919 issue, and numbered from i 1 to 160 inclusive, also the $45.000-00 Water '.7orks and Sewerage Bonds of issue of 10.19 numberod frorp 1 to 90 inclusive, and that the same on on this date. be done in open sess! Tt is certified, by Vie following undersigned membars of the City Council of the City of Okeechobee , ,Florida, that they did on this date in open . session of the said City Council, count the aforesaid bonds and that immediiately thereafter, they did in accordance with this res olution, destroy each and every one of the aforesaid bonds,"by burn - Ing the same with fire, and.that the same viere destroyed in open session, and in the presance of each of us, and that there ere so destypyed Street Paving bonds from 1 to and including 160, and of Water Works and Sewerage Bonds from 1 to 90 inclusive, and they ther certify, that all of the aforesaid destroyed bonds had attaoh.�6?! t,o them, all of the oriFinal couoons attached atu the time they we-rn, les- ,,troyed, and.that the same were destroyed togather with the afore - said bonds. 167 Or, Motion of,, Councilman E. R. Wright seconded by Councilman 17. P. Underhill the foreo-o�ng resolution was read a f1rBt;.4n'd, s000nd t1me_"`E`nby ullanimous vote was read a third time an'&,,passed bj the follor1rinf- value, in onen session. ATT"JIT,-W. 'J. 'Dunnicliff C 1 -3 r EF— S711A_T' D. R. McNeill President City Council R..L. Pearce ',7. P. 'Underhill '1'a'0UE10TJJ11MT.