1924-08-01 Bonds Election-252 9 f f . f An,nroved by me this 31st day of July A. D. 1924. I. W. Conely, J.L. 1,.,Ia,, ror of the City of Oklee- chobee, Florida,. The followinl-, -resolution was introduced by Councilman Hancock, seconded by Councilman Bird and upon Toll call the was as folloiis: Yeas H. H. DeYarman & H. T. Bass I'Ta ys I - J. Denhain Bird None H. H. Hancock R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N WHERITUS, a Special Ileeting of the City Council of the City of 0 Okeechobee, Florida, was held June 10th, 1924, pursuant.to the call of the Mayor for the purpose of considering -the question of calling an election for the purpose of bonding the City of Okecchobee, Flor- C� ida for the purpose of raising moneir for several of the municipal purposes provided / -for in the Charter of the City of Okeecholoce, and for such otl.-Ler purposes as may co,,.,,.c before or ,,,ay be 'o-rought bef ore the City Council, and WHEERZAS, the City Council at said Special, IIeeting took under consideration a. -I. ordinance entitled: 11 An ordinance -,orovidin,-, for the issuance of bonds b -.,,r the Idayor and City Council of the City of O'i.'.cechobee., Florida, for the U -ouroose of extendinIg and expandin- the r,rter system of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, f or furnishing ,water and fi-re -protection, for e-,,ecting waterworks, laying water mains Dur - chasing land for ereot-ing the sam.e the-reon; for the �furt'_,.eT purpose of repairinE;, constructing, extending and ex-panding seivera-e includin- all connections unon certain avenues, strect-a., CD and alleyi,,rays, or parts thereof in the City of Okeechobee, Florida, in all its details; for the further purpose of erect - L for the City of Okeechobee, ing a municipal building in c nd Florida., to provide ad'equate quarters -."or the City Govern- ent and --he f ire d-oattment, purchasinp- land f or execting U the same thereon, L-nd for a,ll other necescax-,­ thinci-s in connectioii therewith; for the -.L7urther purpose of providing a raore adequate -firo z)rotection for -'U-he City of Okeechobee, Florida,, nurch,-..se u. -IL' hose and other equipment, and 'or mbeting pay,-,',ents on equipi.,ont previously purchased; for the further purpose'of ii-,aiiatuaining the City Parks of the Ci -,U --,,r of Okezchobee, FloxiGa, including purchasing or leasing of land and all other things necessary to improve the park sys- LD -em; for the further -purpose of opening, widening or paving in all its details certain avenues, streets or parts thereof the ave - in the City of Okeechobee, Florida, and designatinb nues, streets or parts thereof to be so improved, authorizing lien certificates to be issued against- abuttinS property where new strects a,. -.,d new sel,�iera-e ,_,,nins are constructed; providing furt'ller for the callinc; of a s-)eciai election for the anprox&l or rejection of the issuance of eajd boiids by'tae clectors .1 u of the IV -i. -Iv -y of Okeechobee, Florida; and providing further for the prorating of t"Lie ,�,ioncy obtained by cale of said bonds amon8 the several ente2prises or pro�ects set -forth herein and, WHEREAS, said ordinance ra.s -,,passed a:t said mecting by a unan- 0 f the lbers present of the City Clouncill of said City;, imous vote o mer, I 253 WH Ij � �EREA8, said ordinance en -titled as above was signe'd by �the PresiC'ent of the 'City Council, attlested by the City Clerk, pre- sented to the !Layor, he being -L--,hen an,.�,. there present, and approved by the :4ayor on the said 10".-h day of June A. D. 1924, and IMEREAS, the original of said ordinance as above entitled, after such certification and approval was filed with the City Clerk on said 10th day of June A. D. 1924,.a.nd designated and numbered Ordinance number 77, and I VIHEIREAS, said ordinance as entitled aboVe provides for the issuai-.-ce of bonds of t -he 'City of Okeechobee, Florida, in the sevev- al amounts and for the several purposes as set out therein; and 1WHEIREAS, said ordlinance provided for an election to be called by the Layor, for t -he par- V 11 U )ose of subEitting to the qualified voters of said City of 01ceechobee, Florida, the ques+.ion*of i,,rhet-her or not the bonds provided by said ordinance should be authorized and. issued, and VIHEREA�S, notice of Sneci,-1 Election rras (­iven as, required by law nnd by the provisions of the above entitled ordinance., and and WHEREAS,, the votes cast at said election were a,s follows: For the issuance of bonds for zmte2 Against the issuance of bonds for water C.) 38 8""' For the issuance of bonds for sewerage 34, Against the issuance of bonds for vewerage 10 For the issuance of bonds for =niuipal building 12 Against the issuance of bonds fox municipal building 23 For the issuance of bonds for fire protection 18 Against the issuance of bonds for fire protection 20 For the issumice of bonds for parks 17 Aminst L� the issuance of bonds for parks 21 For the issuance of bonds for street paving 20 Against the issuance -of bonds for street paving 19 WHEREAS, it ap-oears there was a majority Of 30 votes cast at said election for the issuance of q,,"'50,000.00 in bonds for the pur- - pose of extending and expanding tulle water system of the City 0 1 f CD Q Okeechobee, Florida;,7nd a majority of 211- votes cast at said election for the issuance of $10,000.00 in bonds for the purpose of extendingo expanding, constructing and repairing sewcraCe in the City of Okee- C-? chobee, Florida; and a majority of 1-,vo*elcast at said election f= "0,000.00 in b6nd.s for -the purpose of widening or the issuance of paving in all its details certain avenues, st-reets or parts thereof' in the City of Okeechobee, Florida, and 254 WHEREAS, said ordinance number 77 provides. that the bonds pro- vided -for in said ordi-nance, ehqll be nurfibered from 1 to 172 inclus- ive, or in case all of said bonds are not authorized, then -from 1 up to and including the proper numeral to include all the bonds so authorized, and shall be in denomitations of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars each; said bonds shall be dated August 1-st, 1924, shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum after date, interest payable semit�an-_.aual):y, and the,principa.1 of said bonds shall be payable as f-ollows;: Seventeen Thoucand ("A7,000.00) Dollars on the first day of August A. D. 10114, and Seventeen Thousand (*'17,000-005 Dollars on the first day of August 3f each and every year thereafter up to and including the first day of August A. D. 1952, and Nineteen Thousand (419,000.00) Dollars on the firs-"- day of August A*.D? 1953; or in case all the bonds are not aulthosized then in the same Y)ro- portion as nearly as practicabl-, thcrefore be it RESOLVED that tiie bonds descri'oed'ir, csaid Ordinance Nul'lbe2 77 in the. su'I'll of One Hundred Fif"ty Thousand (4"150,000.00) Dollars be issued as thergin -provided; Ninety Thousand ($90,000.00) Dollars to be used for the eX- tension ar.d expansion of the Tvater syst-em of the City of Okee- chobee., Florida, for the purpose of furnishing water and fire protection, for erecting ivat�r worke, laying water mains, pur- t4 chasing land for erec Ing the sa-l.e thereon and for.all other necessary purposes in connection therewith. Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars to be used for the repair, construction, extension a�nd expansion of sevierage including all connections upon certain avenues, streets and alleyways or parts thereof in -'�he.City of Okeechobee, Florida, in all its details, Fifty Thousand (50,000.00) Dollars to be used for opening 0 0.1 v,ridening or naving in all its details, certain avenues, streets or -,-,arts t7,ercof in the City of Ok'ecchobee., Florida; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, t".h.,a.t s-r.id bonds be in denominat- ions of $1,000.00 each dated Auguslt 1st, 1924 with interest at the rate of six -oer cent. oer anynui-a after date, interest payable -semi-annually and that the pri-_,-cipal of said bonds shall be nayable as f ollo%lis: Bonds number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 44" 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 payable August lot A. . 9 . Bonds ni=,ber 16, 17, 1�, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2,7 j, 24, 45, 26, 07, 28, 29, 30 pwrable August 1st A. D. 1911-5. J .1 3 _3 , 34, 3-, 36 4o, 41 ,Bonds number 31, 32 37, 38, 393. > 4 42, 43, 44, 45'payable August lot, A. D. 1946. 4", 55, 56 .-Bonds number 46, '7, 48, "9, 50, 51, 52, 53, 5 57, 58, 59, 60 payable August lst, A. D. 1947. Bonds number 61, 62,'-63, 64, 65, 66- " 68, 70, 71, 57, 72, 73> 74, 75 payable August lst,A. D. 1948. 95, 8 - , 78 80, 81, 82, 83, 6, Bonds number 76, 77 1 , 79, 87, 88, 89, go payable August lst, A. D. 1949. Bonds number 91, 92, 93, 941 95, 96, 0/7, 98, 95, loo., 101, 102, 103, 1041 105 payable August lst, A. D. 1950. 255 Bonds number 106., 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112; 113, -L. 118, 115, 120 payable.Augi;st lst, A. -D. 1951. 114, 115, '16, 117, Bonds -number 121, 122, 123,, 124, 125, 126, 1271 128, 129, 13 0, 171,, 132,, 133 - _L34, 135 payable Auc,_ust lst', A. D. 1952. 5 177 1-8 Bonds number 13� 139, 14o., 14l,'142, 143, 144, 9, -:ust let, A. D. 1953. 145, 146, 147, 14-8 150 payable AuL� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds be printed in the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF OKEECHOBEE 1-11UNICIPAL BOND ISSUE OF 1924 No. $1,000.00 The City of Okeechobee, for value received, hereby promises to pay, to the bearer, the surn of ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($1,000.00) Dollars, gold coin of the United States,'on the. --.- first day of August, 19��,` with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of February and the first day of Au_gust of each year upon pre-," sehtation nd surrender of the inteTest'coupons attached hereto, as they severally become due and payable, both principal and in- j terest payable at the Bank of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, or at the American Exchange National Bank, New York City; Nevv!,"York at,the option of the holder.' This bond is one of a series of one hunderd fifty bonds aggregatin� �150,000-00 of like tenor, except as to its number and date of maturity, and is issued by,virtue and in pursuance of Chapter 8318 of the Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1919, and of Chapter qglf� of the Lars of Florida, Special Acts of 1923, and of Ordinance number 77 of the ordinances of the City of Okeecho- bee, Florida, regularly passed and approved June 10th 1924.' The series of bonds of which this 0 ne , was issued for the purpose of extending and expanding the water system of the City of Okeechobee, for the pur�ose of furnishing water and fire protection, forlereoting water works, laying water mains, purchasing land for erecting the same thereon and for all other pur- pozes, in connection therewith; for the further purpose of repairing, constructing, extending and ex- panding the sewerage, including all connections upon certain avenues, streets and alleyways or parts thereof in the'City��.�of Meech, bee, Florida, in all its details; for the further purpose,of op'ening widening or paving in all its details certain avenues., streets or parts thereof in the City of Okeechob ee, Florida. The jagg", ,a Ace of said series of bonds of which this,is one was'4pproved 256 aff"'irmative vo�e o� a majority of the electors voting for each purpose separately, at a Special Election for that'purpose duly called and held under the provisions of said Chapters 8318 and 9855 of the Laws of Florida -and said Ordinance number 77 of the Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida. It is hereby certified that the issue of bonds of which this is one is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and Is rriade in striot conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, duly author- izing the sar,,,e , and that all proceedings essential to the validity o -hese bonds has been performed aiid that every requirement of f t U lar relating to the issue thereof has been duly complied with. rida, has IN WITNESS YMERELOF Ulie City of Okeechobee, Flo... caused this bond bearing date of the Ist day of August , 1924, to be signed by its L:ayox, C`iountersimned by the President- of the City Council, attested' by the City Clerk and its c-eal to be hereto af f ix— ed. (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest i'layor City Cie -Lk Co,,uitersigned I V President of the City Council. a 0 U P 0 N On the first day of F-abr-uary the City of Okee— AU-Smst) 19L, chobe--, Florida, ivill pay to the beaxer 00,00, at the Bank of Okee— chobee, Okeechobee, Florida or at the X.n.-lerican Exchange National Bank, NeW York City, Nerr York, at the option o'L17 the holder, for six months interest then due on Llunicio,al Bond Issue of 1924 Nui-riber (CORPOR*ATE SEAL) Mayor Attest 01ty Clerk Countersigned: President of the City CouncT17 and be it further resolved, that the Clty At-torneys be, instructed to proceed v�ith the validation of sa id bonds and have sa.i.,le printeid and certified, and be it further Resolved that the City Attorneys be instructed to properly adver— tise in COMPliance with law notice that bids will be Tecitived by the City Council at such time as notice shall specify for th'e 0 _J V4 '257 sale of thd bonds. Upon mot -ion t -.,e, Clouncil adjourned.. Attest: Preside,nt Ilift" Council. i t