1923-04 City Charter AmendmentOn motion of Concilman Hampton, seconded by Cowncilman Adams the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ttorney is hereby directed to pre - Resolved that the City AU pare the necessary acts and present them to Hon. D. R. IdcNeill, Representative in the Legislattize, for paseage, amending the -'ty bound city Charter, Section 4, changing the present 11-L axics. U - to include the following territory, by addinE -'U-he same to 4 le present City boundaries: BeginninL, at South-7,rest coIrner Govern - 77 South, Ran� 35 East, Run ment Lot 9, Section 22, Township East to South-east corner of said lot , thence Notth to North- east corner Sect-j"on 15, thence West to precent- City limits. Resolved further that the. ,',Ilerk send a copy of this risolu- tion to Hon. D. R. McNeill, Tallahassee, Fla., and that 'Cle ren- der -all assistance neceesaty to the speedy passa.Ce of said amend- ment Yea Roll Call, Nay H. H. DeYarman Albert Berka None