1921-03 Street PavingF� V The following motion was introdi,-ced by R. R. Yclaughlin, and seconded by jo 0 TT nderhill: RESOLVED, that the following named streets, in the ' order named, be treate;71 with Tarvia and corrplete,7 according to contract: North Park Street from Okeechobee Avenue to 7,ast City limits; Osceola Street, from North Park Street to Seventh Street; South Park Street 9 froir Osceola Street to Parrott Ave. as far as rocked; Parrott Avenue, fror 11orth Park to Sor.th Cit- limits; V Hancock Street, from Yorth Park Street to. end o-.'-' rock on that street; Yotion carried, all voting Aye. Yrs. lamb's bill of .3'.3.25 vias presented by C. 0. Davis, seconded by R. F,. YcIaftghlin, and ordered paid. 0. 0. Davis moved thAt the City pay 17m. Collins' bill for damge to bedding in Uounty Jail. Yotion was seconded by Joe T71-nddrhill and carried unanimoiisly. The followinr I , reso-1ntion. was introduced 'by -R. ". Yclaughlin, seconded by 0. 0. Davis and carried unanimously;