1920-12 Issuance of Bonds Levy of MillageR7,30LU'J77TOIT A*DOPTTT,1('? 'JAT'M,_ 4VI OR! 3 141 BOND POP1.11 On motion of Councilman W. P. Underhill, secoxided by Councilman E. E. Wright, the following reso!Ltion was introduced. :,i'r Th(� "Ity 0011.11C'l of. t�p City ()P OTT T'f�- FLORID', has heretofore found that it is neces2ary to nrovide for the construction and erection of watervorks in said City, and to isFue bonds there or: I -_ �� 1�07- 1171 IT T,") T'7,RET, 0 13 R73, by the City Council of the City of Okeechor- bee, Florida, th(at for t'r e mir-oose of constructir.�- and e-rectiiaf- wat(:.,.r- ,.�rorks in saiJ (,-i4-,,7, there are he-rPb-7 authori7.e,_1 to be issiied 80 water- works bonds for the a�zj�-�rp_-_ate sum, of �IIJ40,000-00, of "W -*5G-0-00 each, iiumberedT from 1 to 80, both inclusive, bearinp-, interest evidenced by colinonq at the� rate of si-.�: (6) -(,,er centum oer ai,num_ oayable on the first day of October arid. April iii each ai�d everi year; said boi�ds shall be Olated. the first day of April-, A. D. 19"30, aiid become due as folloivs:) �4,000.00 on the first day of Aoril, A. D. 1(�;40, and �4-000.'jO every year there- after uo to %nd li-icludinli� the first day of April, A. '--). 19419,said bonds to have intere-t coupons attache,1 the-reto. Said bonds are to be in sub- stantially the followinr� formi, as adonted by the said Citj Council, arid najable at t1he Ba%.-ijk of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, 111orida, or at the 11meri- can ITational �3ank,, Yew Yorzkl - 'ity, State of Hel"! at trie 00tion of tl'e- holder; unO for the Dromot oa.:pnexit of lu-he3o bonds aiid the irit-erest thereon as they become resoectively due, the full faith, credit and resource o -f tlie said City of Ojc�iechobpe, are hereb.�T irrevocably pled�_--ed. T" I "1L'T1,'- IT T '! 9 11 -) that t,, bonds hereb.7 authorized shal-L be in substantiallj the followiiig from: Dollars STATE OF ?LO1R1D1t'% OT1T1,ff_`"_r �717 0 p- 0. , r C TT r 0', .3 JA'_N' -WOR!'�" KNOIN iiLL 73'� that the Cil 'y of Okeechobee, ill the "ounty of Okeechobee, State of Florida, a maniciioal�cornoration, duly organized under the "onstitutiori and Laws of the State of Florida, for value received, acknoalnd��ea itself to o,,.,ie and oromises to Day to bearer, on the first day of Apr il, ,'x. 1). 19L�-j , the T)-rincipal sum of FIVE -TLjj1TD F ';;,, D (�5AUO) DOLLARS with' Iyitere2t thereon from the date hereof until naid, -13' s 1 - ) ner cent oer ai�ruT.,a, Dayable se m -i -annually on the at the rate o. x (0 first days of October aijd Anril of each and eirerj year, until the orin- cii)al hereof shall be fully naid, uooici presentation aiid surrender of the interest counons attached, as they severally become due, both J)rincinal -arid interest are -oayable in gold coin of the United States of krierica, at the Bank of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, or the i'jmerican 3'xchang-e National Bank, _'_e%�i Yor.1' 0i tj , - State of llpra York, at thp o'Otior, o-." the holder, and A' -*or the T)rompt nayment of the installments of Princioal and Interest of this bond, as they respectively become .io full faith, due, tl credit and resources of said C"ity are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bxid is one of a series of bon�s o.f like date and tel-jor, except as to ni�mber and maturitj, issi-,ed b,r the City of Okeechobee, Florida, under the authorit,-7 of and puromant to and in full comloliance, with t-7 resolutions anft ordinances of said City dnl,-7 nassed, a0lroved-arid L as required bj la -r, and oursuai,t to and in full comDllance witli -L), rRonlrements of the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Flortla, It is further certified and recited that all acts, conditions �13 arid thinos required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florl a, and by the Charter of said City, and amendments thereto, to exist, happen exist, and be nerformed, orecedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened and been duly done and nerformed, in reg -alar and due form, time and manner as required by law, includin�- a validation thereof by a decree of tulne Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Tudicial Circuit of the State of Florida, dated on the �ay of , A. '.D. 2:9230, and taat the amount of this bord-, tor�,ether -,*tith all othor inde-gedness of said City, does not exceed limitations imposed either b.7 the 'Clonstitution,the 3tatutes of Florida or b. -I the Charter of said City or amendments thereto. I JT T T '? I -T"T3 0)", the. said City of Okeec�iobee has caused this bond to be signed by its 11ayor, countersigned by the President of the City Council, and attested by its Clark, and its corporate seal to be imDressed hereon, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed with the facsimile signature of said officials this the lst day of April, A. D. 1920. D. E. Austin Major, City of Okeechobee, Florida. COUNTEIRST(INED: A TTF,3T: D. R. Mcreill President of the City Council of the 7. 'J. Dunnicliff City of Okeechobee, Florida. Clerk, City of Okeechobee, Florida. (SEAL) COUPON On the first day of October, &. D. the City of Okeechobee, in the State of Florida, promises tb pay to bearer Fifteen Dollars, ($15.00) at the Bank of Okeechobee, Okeechobee, Florida, or at the American Exchange National Bank, City of New York, State of Neiv York, at the option of the holder, being the semi-annual interest due that day on its bond dated April lst, A. D. 1920, No. D. E. Austin Idayor, City of Okeechobee, Florida. 00UNT1,23T0111"j-7): . I rt 'T: ATTE.3 D. R. ITC11eill President of the City Council of the '1- W. Dunnicliff — City of Okeechobee, Florida. -Cle�k, City of Okeechobee, Florida. The above resofilution was on motion of Colincilman C. R. Brooks, seconded by Councilman W. 2. Underhill,_duly adopted by the followIng unanimous Vote, all vo ing yea and none nay. Yea D. R. McNeill Yea R. L. Pearce Yea 1J. P. Unaerhill Yea C. R. Brooks Yea E. R. Wrip�ht