1920-14 Election on Bond IssueResolution for Levy of Tax Millage
Sewerage Bonds.
The following Rnsolntior v�ras introduced by Councilman E. R. Wright
Seconded b77 Councilman W. P. Underhill
R 'P, 3 OL T-,,",) t h a t
Whereas, at an election duly held within the City of Okeechobee, Florida,
on the 26th day of February, -A. D. 1920 a majority of the votes cast Tmere i
In favor of the is3uance of bonds for the purnoes of constructing a system,
of sewerare, including all connections and ir, all of its detAlls, u-0on.
such avenues, streets, alle,17iays, or Darts thereof, as the city Council
may hereafter designate; ithich. have been duly canvassed and the result
thereof dec'11-ared, and duly recorded upon the minutes of the said City
Council, under which the said City vias authorized to Issue and sell�onds,
, RES 1� ji'7) a
as heretofore Drovided, T'- 0 V1,- th t,
The City Co-Lincil of the Oity of Okeechobee, 3tate of Florida, does hereby
levy a *"'ax of one (1) mills unon the dollar, or such. an additional
amount, (,ach arid everj jear, as may be necc,�;sarj for the payment of said
bonds, izDoi� all real and m-rsonal oroperty within the City liable to
taxation, a�.nually, to pay t',ae interest uoort said bonds, as the same may
become dize and narable, and to orovide a sinkiyi�-- Dind, for retiring said
bonds as they may become due and oajable, and tlliat the samp is to be
denosited accordinr to la,,,i; and that the City Tax Assessor, of the "'ity
of Okeechobee, Florld.a., is hereby instructed and required to a-ssess,unon
all taxable real and nersonal pronerty within the 'Jity of Okeechobee,
subject to taxation., the aforesaid milla-.1e, and the Tax Collector of said
City, is hereby instructed and reo ' iijred to collect the same as reqi�4irpd
by law, and denosit the same accordinpr to la -i, in the depository as iiaj
be named by the Cit,,,r Council.
7� T 1 :1
B-3, IT -Tr!,-T -T-1 '-"� -"I- P�-D, that the assessments aforesaid (1, o commence ,,iith
the assessment of tile year 1920. and coitiraze so lon'q as the sarne may be
necessary, to --)rovidP a sum sm-l"ficien.t to pay t' -ie interest upon said bonds,i
and nrovide a s i n "': i n po fund to pay the s,-:Lme as'they may become due.
All resolutions or narts thereof in conflict hereivith are hereby rescinded.'
The above resolution was adoDted by t1he foiloi�riy-,- un ni..ous vote, aiad
orderd recorded in the minutes of the City Council this the 13"U -h day
of ADril A. D. 1��20, all votinr- yea and none nay.
President of City Council.
ATTF,ST: Dunnicliff
Cit�T Clerk
The foregoing resolution was read a first time in full and on
motion of C. R. Brooks, seconded by '1- 2. Underhill.
On motion of "I. P. Underhill, seconded by C. R. 3rooks, the fore-
goin�z motion was read a second time by sections.
On motion of R. L. Pearce, seconded by E. R. Wright, the foregoing
resolution was read a third time and Dlaced for final Dassage, the
vote standinry, as follows:
Resolution was then
on A-Pril 13, 1920.
R. McNeill Yea
L. Pearce Yea
Underhill Yea
Brooks Yea
R. 7right Yea
nassed to the Mayor
and anoroved by him