1916-03 Contruct Taylor Creek Bridge0 it 1. . A, �b 5 1w, 1% Alderman Chandler introduced the following resolution EntitledNo,. 3 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Okeechobee,Florida, authorizing. the constriaction of a bridge across the Onoshahatchee river within the City of Okeechobee and making the necessary approprations for,the said purpose. Whereas, in the opinion of the City Cduhcil cff t I he City of Okeechobee, it is absolutely necessary and for the public good of the City of Okeechobee and in order to more properly faciliate travel within the said City, : that a bridge be constructed acros s 1. Onoshohatchee Riverat the point where the said River cvoeses North Park Street within the said City, Therefore,Be It Pesolved By the City Counci of the CiJ;y of Okwochobee,l'lorida,in regular session, that it -is n necessary for the public boodof the City of Okeechobec,Florida, that a bridge constructed across Onoshohatche& River at the point where said river crosses North Park Street.,within said City, Therefore, Be it futher resolved by the Council that the Street Committie of theis Counci. are�-hereby authorized to have prepared the necessary plans and specif- ications for said bridge, which plans and specifications are to be appr-oved by the War Department of the United States Goverment, Be it Ixt futher resolved that the said street committie upon the completion of the,said plans and.upon the reception of the City of a permit from the War� . Department to construct -the said bridge, it is hereby authorized to'construct the s&id bridge in acuordance with the plans and specif- icat'ioneas is approved by the said Street Uommittie and the War Depart- mebt, Be it futher resolved, that the sum of $1200.00 or so much 'hereof as may be necessary is hereby appropw&ated out of the general funds of t tho.-City Treasure of the City of Okeechobee for the purpose of building aA4,!;ponstructing the said bridge as herein provided for. Alddrman T., or of -the City Council moved the adoption of the.foregoing resolution and which motion was duly seconded and was-unamiously a adopted by the Council and the said eresolution was unamiously Passed as read. The pitition of J,B.Atkinaon was received as to fill the vacancy of t ,4,!,4",�`.(;ouncil was tabled a few, days. On motion Couhcil adjourned.