1917-01 Transfer of FundsAuditor Cooper then explained that the above transfer would cause the overdrowiner of the Street funds $5,920.59 and sugested the transfe of v64,000.00 from the preneral funds and $3,500-00 from the BuildinE funds a total of $7,500-00 to the �3trcct funds. Whereon Alderman Knig ht introduced the following remolation No.4 R16066 ..Be it resolved by the Cit�L Council herein assembled in special sesmio this 8TH. day of June 1917 that the predident of the Council and City Clerk be authorized to transfer from the general funds tuo the street funds the sum of $4,000.00 and from the building funds to the street funds the sum 0613,500-00 which on being seconded by Alderman .Raulerson was unamiously adopte6. The bill of Hutchinson Auditor Co. for auditoring the books of the City of Okocchobee from Sept. ist. 1916 to June 8TH. 1917 in amount of $246.00 was approved and orederd p, -!)Ad. No futher bu*inessthe Uouncil adjourned. mr—ac'Whee Florida June 9TH lQl? Attest. U?I ty Clerk. President. �- ;'. U ra-3 A" LUL