1919-03 Bonds1611,
of fteaja Muld oip&l Bond Election
Under and by virtue Of aulhority vested in me by the.following
resolution of the Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida,, to -wit:
A Resolution
A resolution, providing for the issuance by the City of Okeechobee
Plorida,, of Bonds, for the purpose of contracting a loan for the use
of said: City, for the purpose of paving, grading, and curbing certain
streets in the City of Okeechobee, and also for draining both by
sewerage, and by surface draining, and other purpqses,, as provided by
section 1060 of the General Statutes of the State of Florida,, and for
the submission of the question of the issuing of the said bonds to an
electiont to be hold, under and by virtue of section 1062 of the
General Statute of the State of Florida.
Whereas, the 0ity Council of the Oity of Okeeohoboe deem it to the
best interest of the City of Okeechobee that certain streete,within the
corporate limits of said City of Okeechobee be paved, curbed and
drained both by sewerage and by surface drainage, aad,
Whereas9 it is the intention of the City of Okeechobee to charge
one third of the expense -of the said paving, curbing and grading and
,...&r;dning both by sewerage and by surface draining, and -for the Purpose
' !9f.eonstrueting the neoessary Cesspool or pools, Septic Tank. or Tanks,
an&also for the upkeep andl repair of all of the said improvenentv,
eciLd other purposes, to the-abutting.property owners on each side of the
s$Tset and
W�ereas, in order to provide the funds to pW for the vityl s por-
1ion of aach improvements, it will be necessary for the City to con-
tract a loan for such purpose, or purposes, and to pledge the funds
and credit of the %�ity, an& the property of the said City for the re-
Aeuption of such loan and
Whereas,' the cosi of 1he City's share of such proposed.improvements
:41 is estimated at 00, 000000:
300tion 10 That under ana by virtue of power vested in said City
of Okeechobee, State of Florida, by section 1060 of the General Statute
of the State of Florida, it is hereby resolved that the said City of
Okeechobee shall issue its Paving & Bower Bonds for the aggregate aum
af,fBO,000*009 said Bonds to be in inch form as may be bereafter adopted,
by the said city Council, end to be in denominations of ;�500*00 each,
bearing interest, payable semi-ann-nally, at the rate of six per oent
per amnum., both principal and interests payable at the.Bank of Okeeaho-
bee, Okeeobobee, Florida,, or at the American Exchange National Bank,
Now York City, N. Y., at the option of the holder. Said bonds to be
dated July first A,D., 1919. Interest payable on the first day of
January and July of each sad every year, after date of issuance, until
r4aturity of the said Bonds, the principal of said -bonds shall be payable
as follows §8,000*00 on July first A.D., 1939, and f8,OOO4OO every year
thereafter to July first, 1948, said Bonds to be numbered from one to
160 inclusive with interest coupons attached.
�Seotion 2. That an election be held at as early date as practio-
able, at *Joh the question to be submitted to the electors of said
City ' having the qualifications prescribed by section 1060 of the (feneral
Stat os of the State of Florida, being those who own real estate therein,,
and - h&ve paid their taxe a f or the year last due the reon , and actually
voting at said election; shall be the issuance of said bonds, and the
,Mayor-'ghall forthwith ism his proclamation in the Okeechobee Dews, a
,newspOper published in said City, in five successive issues of 'said
newspaper immediately prior to date of election.
Section 3. That the form of the ballot to be used at said election
shall be substantially as follows: "Official ballot Municipal bond
,Eleotion 11 June 21 A.D. 1919, City of Okeechobee Plorida.,
-" a oross (Z) mark before the question ;I your choice.
vote for�one
For Bonds
_Against Bonds
Section 4. Should the issuance.of said bonds be authorized by
the raquired majority votes, then said bonds shall be issued according
to law. -without delay, and the Uity Uouncil shall before such issuance -
provide by ordinance for the redemption of said Bonds at maturity,, and
for the payments of tAe interest upon the same by levy* of a sufficient
aillage'as say be necessary for such PUTPOse.
Section 6. Should the issuance of said Bonds be authorized at such
ejection.,the Uity Council of the City of Olteechobee hereby pledges
Jteel:t-to expend the proceeds of said Bonds for the purposes named in
t.his"r0olution, including paving, curbing. draining, by sewerage and by
surfaoo-drainage each streets as the City 00=4il may designate- '
f., Su4)2 bonds shall have the seal of the 01ty of:Okseehobee, i
thereon, End shall be signed b7 the Mayor md the Gity Clerk, and shall
also U attested by the President of the City Council, provided, how-
9T9r# t4a -interest coupons attached tbereto shall have signatures of
above =sed officials lithographed thereon.
I J*,J). s. Austint Mayor of the uity of Okeechobee, Vlorida, do hereby
prpplaiii and declare that a special Uond eleotion-,by the electors of said
Uity.,qualified Ito vote in a bond election, under the laws of 1"lorida,
will be held at the Wounty Court Room in the City of Okeechobee, during
the regalar hours of voting, on the 21st day of June A..U. � 1919, upon the
question of contracting a loan of .180,,000.00 DOLL"S, in the form of
160-BOAds in the denomination of f5OO.00 each, and the -proceeds frou the
sale of said bonds to be expended for the, purposes as voted in the fore-
going Resolution,
I Said bonds to be issued upon the terms md in the manner as set forth
in saidResolution of the Uity Council of the City of Okeechobee, Vlorida,
on the 20th day of May A.,U, 1919, a copy of which. is herein set ou*t,, and
the following qualified voters are hereby appointed to -serve as
officers of said special bond election: 0, Winkler, Albdrt oerka, Ed
7Underhill, inspectors of said election; it'. A. iiunter, ulerk.
I � IN, WITNESS ��W , I have hereunto set my hand. as Mayor of the
City o�f Ob�echobee,�.Lvlorid-a, aad caused corporate seal of said City to be
hereto affixed, and the saae attested by the uity Clerk this 20th day of
I!,May A;'D0, 191-9 W!
.0 0 0 it" JA
Mayor of t1ae uity� of'okeechobee, wlorida
ATTEST; W- hePP64c4ASfuity of Okeechobee, florida