1919-04 Bonds.On mqtio4'of-�Pounctlman C,­R&,''B,roo'k_s'-i seconded.. by Councilman earce, and car I' i�pT`-thei.follbwing.R6 futiopi'�,vas�� P ryl ag A6�06 so road 8�1 f irst., time in'ful �i V L RBSOLUTION'i t1' o by"�" the 0 1 ty of �,Okeiechoboe xci 0 1 11 oqlutii 4',providing, . o io Is uqno 6 purpose 0- 0 'for�tha use �of F3,,p;,IdfLv',,0f Bondq,;or`,th C.' ontractin-?a loan,, 156 f said 01 or, he..purpose o 'pa_ing� an cqr ij g certain V -radin� d bi f t, , P,, I .., , 11 1 t, 1, : , 0 � for: streets'in.the'city'of Okeecb�bee'. and, also, �_.d�aining ' botk�by:y' sewerage and by,:,surfacq draihaifig" :&.nd,�otht-�r' A plir-Posest, �as�,provide by Pecti-on. 106b,,ofthe -'4enie'oal � Statute'i;,of FioriAa'; � an d. f 6 r, . the' submission of "the question of the issuing,of t�e _saia-,Bohds, to 'an election�to be held,under and by'virtue of,,,seo.tion lQ0,'2, pf_the General Statuteiof,the State�,of P0 Whereas,, the unci of''the Git ��ot"'Oke6dh6bee.:deem'it to Y, strauto the. beat, interest'of,' the ,'City,of Okeechobee' that 4 within'the�oorporate limits of.said,City'of, Okeeohobee�be D ved; curbed,and drained, both by 'sewerage .,and by'surface #aina,-e and' - Whereas, it' id�'th6 'Intention of the City"of Okeechobee to 6harge,' y one-third of the expense. of,the said.paving',',cur.bing and 'grading axid draining, both by sewerage.-and`by purface..draining,.'and for, the "'of constructing the hecesoary -Cese-pool:or, pools,,- Septic ank purposei T or Tanks, and also for the, upkeep and'repajr,,o:1C.all of.the,,said 4m_ provements'and''other purposes'to the abutting,� property owners. 'on eacb-side of the,streets, and �A Whereas, in �ordei -to provid.9 the funds,, to p­a''y',forl., the City' s_por7' tion of such iTnprovements, it will,be necessary for.,tho.C*ty��-to:"'contrac. a 0 1 an for such purpose, or purpose,s,- and'...to pl6dge''the' funds and, . -A, -the property.of, the -,said City for'the �red6mpti6n:�"i. credit of the qity,;and of such'loan, and Whereas, the cost of the City's share:of puch'propqsed,�Ampxovements is esti ted at '�30,000.,00. ma TOW THMEFORE BE IT RE50LVED-, BY -THE ZITY�QOUNCIL OF T HE 0 1 TY,,, 0 OKEECHOBEE, STATE OF PLORIDA; section 1., That under,and by 'virtue-�of .'power,, vested�'in said*;C,ity 060,6f,the General'st4tute of Okeechobee,,�, State of Florida,�by section,'�l* of the State.of Florida,,Atis,hereby resolved, 'that the, said, City of Okeechol�'ee,shall�issue':its�Paving & Ueiirer, Bonds -for�.. the aggregate,',sum, of" 1�- Said Bonds to be in such',form As'ma e r,, 980, 000'. 00., -.be,),, reafte y 4 . adopted by the said City-Gouncil, and to�.be.,'in, denomingLtj�_ S of., �50 on each,, bearing interest payable oemi-annually�',at the'rate,of.six,per cent Derlannum, bloth,principal-and,,intereet.p4y4ble.at the Bank of,:,�' OkeeAobeb, Okeechobee, , 1�i�.orida, or at. th6:�-'Amer loan Exchai�,-' �JT gei Banki Now York C-ity,'T.,Y., at the: opti6n,'.'o`f,-thE), holder. ��.sqia Bonds.-: to. be da�ted July. f irst, A4 D. 1919, Interest, p4yabl",''' "'th 'first, - e, on e,. day 'of-Zanuary and, July of. each and,6v6ry,,1y6ar- after::�date of, issuance, u til maturity of the isaid''Bonds,l n �of said Bonds, shall n the.,pri cipal' be payable as r'sVA,;,D. 6rer7­yVM__Mdrd16_f e to -'4uly f ir-st� 1948. 1",S4id Donds to be numbered, from one to 160,'inclusive with Interest hel at 4 tj Section 2. �,,That an eleatt on, be d rL j as. praq qablet,-:� ea_ date, at. whi 'h, the�que'stion to be submi, her�electora tted to -t having t pr6�drib'bd, by so oti on- 1060 of the GeT."Cral he qualifications,' t - statutes of the_fftate of Florida being'� tho so' who, own� real esta d therain �9'lta have, ,.pai a- the i r " taxo s -F or the year last,cliio �thereoh, an ill be th ssuance o'k said', Donds, actually voting, u� said elactlonj.,,slu G,i and the, Mayor shall, f orthwith issue, his, Proclamatio.-h iii the'Okaeohbbea Npiws 'a�newspappr published in,said Ci�ty,':' in' f V0 'puc as o s� 6T �aid­newspaper immediately priOr to, date'—f eledtion* ,Peot;on 3. , That the f orm, '01, the, ballot to be. used at' saiA� ;,election' '11 be subptantiaily,as follbws: n ,."Official Ballot Municipal Bond Elect 10* 'June 21, A.D. 1919, City, of Okeechobee ' Flori 1 da". Make a cro'ss:4X) mark before the rq uestion of your choice. ---------------- Vote f or one For Bonds'' Against Bpnds, .Section Should, the 'issuance of said.Bonds be authorized by the required majority votes, -'then said,Bonds.'shall' be issuLsd according to law, without delay,�and the City'Council-shall'before such -provide, by,. ordinance for the� redemption , 'of -,said "Bonds'' at maturity and for the�,'payments'6f�the',�int6regt,upon th . e same by levy of A sufficient millage a , s may,'be'neco ssary for such purpose., Se'etion 5,, Should,the issuance of-mbaid Bonds be' authorized 'at such'election the City Council of',tIhe-­Ci,.tv' of Okeechobee hereby pledges itself to expend t,h3 proceeds 'of ­said Bonds, for, the,' -purposes named in this, resolution,.. including paving,', curbing,., ,draining, by sewerage and by surface.drainage,,,on,,such streets,, as the City Council,may,designate.,,,$u6h Bonde.shall have the seal of the City of Okeechobee, Florida,, thereon and',shall-'be.. signed by the Myor an4'the City Clerk,�And,shall'also be attested, by,the President -of the -City Cqunctl,­�rovided, however,",the interest,coupons'attached thereto shall�have si g -natures, of'". named,officials lithographed thereon.' The foregoing resolution on motion' 'of �'C' . R. Bropka''and, seconded D by Councilman R. L.,learce was unanimously:adopted and the Clerk of the said -City:�Council is, hereby required,to-,r.ecord,same,,upon minutes ' of the said Council'as' of this'dat6 , th�',',aame ',-beikg a. special meeting.-there'of this the 20.t��day'of,.Ylay 4-1J. '1919.: (Signed,) J). L,T,.c N e. I 11, Ite,sident'of, the, City -Okee c hob e e � C i ty's Floriddo' 1.ff Dunnicliff .4ttest: V' C` R. Brb oks' Clerk ;�f C ounc n R L. Pearce,, (SEAL) WP'P. Underhill TV R Wr ight Approved.: D.- F,. Austin r of the,City. of Okeechobee, �Iayq Florida. The foregoing'rbsolutions filed and duly recorded in,the minutes of the City Council of'Ok O'echobse City, Florida this' the 20th,da of ITay:.Ao D.- .1919. y VI W.' Dunnicliff e Clerk of th City P61ine :,_'�%Qkqechobee Cit 'Florida. On motion of ,-Counclilman C R. Brooks j, secorldea, by,,R Pleare'e", said motion carrying unanimouely,.-,the X:o i,'''r _solutiojj'vvds_.,r' A'' rego ia�_, e ea a sec6hd time by, paragraphs.. Moti,on.was made by"C. R. Brooks,, 's*elconded,by.,!'.,,L�,.]�earce,..tlidt the foregoing resolution be read a thira.',timo' in Tull,,'� ana"placed. for,'., final,passage. '�ilhe,,,vote stood as! f o�l­ QWq C. R* Brooks 01 - P. Underhill R. L. Pearce E. Ro' Wr I ght Kays.: None The r6s olution c4rried unanimou�l�..7