1919-05 Bonds1.63
On motion of Uounoilman v. R. Brooks,, seconded by uouncilman
.10 e Pearcej and carrying unanimously, the following Resolution was
WPM a first time in full:
At -this �ep'ecial called 'meeting of the City Countil of the City
'of Okeechobee -elori-da, hold at the City Hall, Okeechobee,, Okeeoho-
bee Oount-y, Viorida, on the 20th clay of May, 1919, at which 'meeting
the,followi* Uouncilmen were present, to -wit: D.U. McNeil -1. 4res.,
U, 9, Brookst We P. UnALerhill, !�. L. Pearce, E. -R. Wright; Uouncilman
U. i Re -Brooks presented a resolution %hich, upon being seconded by
Uo,uw'ilman S. Re Wrighto same was put before the Uouncil and all
present voting aye and none voting nay, said resolution was carried;
stid resolution being in words ancl figures as follows:
Whereas, G, Be Sawyers uompany, Jacksonville, 11:,lorida, bond
Abblers of ex this day presented to this Uouncil the follow-
iiag proposi tions:
May 20th, 1919.
.�o the Honorable !eown Council
Okeechobee, Plorida
We, the undersigned G. Be Sawyers Uompany,, Jacksonville,, Vlorida,
in eonsideratlibn of 1�fi of the amount of issue to be paid to us under
eorditions hereinafter stated, agree on behalf of the council of
Okeeahob6e, 21orida, to furnish services of an attorney -of National
reputation in collaboration with our own attorney in eonnection with
pr6paration-of all legal proceedings leading up to the issuance and
siao�of the 080,000*00 of Six per cent Arect Improvement Donds of
Vw City of Okeechobee, provided same are authorized at the time
We further agree to furnish lithographic bonds of good
q"li;yt and to assist the council in every�way in the disposition
Of these bondst advertisjmg, etc., with a view of securing the high -
oat market�price. we further agree that at the time of the adver-
tised sale of tkese bonds we will submit a bona fide bid s000mpanied
by certified check of not less than 100c on the dollar of the par
*alue of said bonds End accrued interest to day of delivery, being our
purpose, should this proposal be accepted, to have the necessary
attorne7la opinion and the blank bonas executed and ready -for deliv-
-,ery.at the time of the sale, said bonds and interest coupons attached
liding made payable,at some vank or xrust Uompany in the Uity of, New
yqrlt, as is customary. , i
Vie agree that should the bonds be awarded to no under -our bid
.at -the �time of the legally advertised sale. that the. expense of pro-
oeedings, advertising, attorney's fees, etc., will be paid by us,
afid there shall be no expense on the part of the City. If, however,
tbrough our efforts -mad advertising, the perfecting of proceedings,,,
0009 said bonds at the time of the advertised sale are awarded to
bidders higher than our bid, then we are to be paid for services
rendered the amount first above stated.
If this proposal be accepted, we request that resolution be
passed -embodying our proposal and the terms of acceptance and wd
bb fVrnished,a certified copy of ewe,
Respectfully submitted,
�jf bo Sawyers Company,
By K, 0,6 Mcuulloch
May 20th. 1919.
Wo lhq'Honorable Wown Uouncil
Okeechobee, rlorida
i"We the undersigned G. 13. Sawyers UoaV,any, Jacksonville,21orida, in
eoiialdoration of 1�6 of the amount of issue to be paid to us under oon
ditio'ne hereinafter stated, Wee on behalf of the council of Okeechobee
OlAw4a,& *^ 44wrytish serviaes of an attorney of National reputation in
collaboration with our owA attorney in connection with. preparation of
alI legal P'rooeedings leading up to the issuance and sale of the
#&BO()O,*00 of Six per oebt. Viaterworks bonds of the City *of Okeechobee,
KI rovidea same are authorized at the, time voted. de further agree to
ruish. lithographic bonds of good quality and to assist the council
in every way in the disposition of these bonds, advertising, etce, with
a view of, securing the highest market price. we further agree that at
the time of the advertised sale of these bonds we mill submit a bona
filie bid accompanied by certified check of not less thaa 100a on the
collar of the par 'Value of said bonds and accrued interest to day of
delivery,, being our purpose, Ehould this proposal be accepted, to have
thd'neeessary attorney's opinion aiid the blank bonds executed and ready
for delivery at the time of the sale, said bonds sad interest coupons
attadhed being made payable at some bank or trust company.in the uity
of Now York, as is customary.
We Wee that should the bonds be ' awarded to -as under our bid at
the'Itme_ of the legally advertised sale, that the expense of'proceedings,
advertising,, attorney Is fees, etc. , will be paid by us, and there shall
��O expense on the part of the Gity.' If, however, thro h our efforts
an& sAvertising, the perfecting of proceedings, eto.,, said bonds at the
tim6 of -the advertised sale are awarded to bidders higher than our bid,
thwa , we are to be paid for services rendered the amount first above stated.
A�E this proposal be accepted, we request that resolution be passed
embodying our proposal and the terms of'acceptance and we be furnished
a certified copy of sane.
u!o lhi,'k.Lonorable Uity council
Okeep,bobee, f lorida.
(I'Alitle'men **
;Ef our proposals hereto attached for the f80,000,00 Arect Improve-
ment'Aonds of the Uity of Okeechobee, Okesobobee,, &lorida, this day
sub*tttod, be accepted, we agree to purchase of your city at 9&1b of
parf, ulider conditions bereinafter stated, V125,000*00 to 416OvOOO*OO of
31;k'per.loent, Improvement bonds to be issued against lien certificates
and to mature from one to ton years from date of issuance. whe interest
6n *mProvement '.Dozds to be payable semi-annually, sad both principal and
i2ftdrest to be payable to some zaak or i -rust Qompany �n the %�ity .of New
agroe to accept deliveries of said bonds in amounts of olOvOOO*O0
3 will not be less than
or more at any o4e time, but the denomination,
950a-00:, and the delivery shall be not more than twelve months from
August-Iot,, 1919v and each separate issue to be,approved by our.attorney.
kqnding the issuance of bonds against Men certificates we agree
to advance to your city 907o o,f par on certificates of Andebtedness
issied against abutting properties, said certificates, however,, to be
deliv6re& to us in emounts 'cf q�5,000.00 to ;;10,,000.00 to bear 8,10 interest,,
Respectfully submitted,
G* 0. Sawyers Oompany,
By L. v. mckAlloch
MiW 20th, 1919
to mat=e� I to 10 ye ar s, and t be validity and form of same to be
approved by our attorney.
in the'event that you ehoula receive 'a better offer and the
�s�ne be accepted by you for these improvement nonds you are to
allow us r/6 of the pw value of said bonds or oerftficates,'s�id
.17b to be paid at the time of each and every delivery. if no
'�'better offer is received there shall be no expense whatever attached
the k� ity
bhould this proposal be accepted, you will pass a resolution
to this effect end we be furnished a,certified copy thereof.
x-cespectfully submitted,
4* J�, Sawyers Uompany
By 4. Q. XcUullooh
It is hereby resolved that the foregoing proposal of G. b.
bawyers uompany be and are hereby accepted and the uity Ulerk is
directed to notify L4..D. Sawyers . Company and to furnish them with a
4ertified copy of this resolution,�
vone at a special meeting of said Uity Uouncil.
D. ". KcBeill
1:�resident of 4ty Council, Uity
of 01mechobee, irlorida.
Uity ulerk.
Approved*. U. z. AuSt in
Mayor of Uity of Okeechobee,, glorida.
Notion was made by H. L. Pearce, seconded by W, P. Underhill that
the rules of reading be waved and the foregoing Resolution placed
Imediately for final passage. Motion carried unanimously.
The vote stood as f ollows:
Ayes: U.R.McNeill" H.L.Rearce, G-R-Broak-OZ E.R.
Wright, W.R.Underhill.
Nays: x6ne
Said motion carried manimouslY.'
On motion b7�X. -a. Iftight, s000nded by R. L. Pearce, council
adjo=nel till next regular meeting.
City Ulerk, Wesident of Ity Council